Orchids and Salk Mannor

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Fragments of Time
Chapter 22
Part 2

A deal to beat around the bush;

(Ismail Yaseen)

The list goes on;
This is how further he has worked for the sake of this case before the meeting. He sat awake till late in the night only to get his data out from various recognised sites.

Yet he felt so awful today, he was just not satisfied with his hard work.

He believed that somewhere his work still sucks due to his least depiction of the data. It was just a struggle for Ismail to what he should consider putting up on the top and how to pursue building further grooves within.

There were gaps here and there within the data Ismail could gather all together. Furthermore, Ismail believed that certain phrases in his paperwork could still function as a stumbling stone for his smooth sailing.

The suspected list was still hard to tally from the website so Ismail would decide to make it at least readable and a lot more efficient when compared to his reference.

But still down the rabbit hole, there were people in this list that the department had no prior data collected about. So looking for them could equally be looking into the void and these investigators have to start afresh.

Ismail would look ahead to attending the meeting today despite all these flaws in the sites and his work.

'As far as I am concerned with the meeting. I believe there will be plenty of attendees in the office. I might be more pleased if my flaws would be rectified by any of those in a still-respectable manner.'

Ina's diary entry;
'I remember clearly that in the past, I've received a call from this exact number. He wanted to make a deal with me; and in the meanwhile, he got to learn about me what made me a lot puzzled was the fact that he chose to acknowledge me as an advertiser, the only lie I could think of that could save me off from that moment.

It felt as if I got screwed with life but anyhow this guy walked up to me with a jaw-dropping offer or I could say a jaw-breaking one.

At first, his offer made me question;

'Why does he want me and for what purpose does he need my assistance while he is going to be the boss of a future tycoon?

With this deal, I guess he was pretty smart to calculate my lack of interest while he designed the deal. Anyhow, being the deal of a person I am; my plan should be a lot unexpected than what he would expect from me.

I know this full-fledge that they are the goons from the black market and signing a deal that is not officially backed up is like signing one's death.

But I am no lesser than anyone brave. I can't cowardly back off, off since there is a purpose behind this selfish invitation.

This made me accept the deal solely;

As expected, the silence after the deal was made was too long and even it made me forget the deal we made.

It felt like a cheat in the deal when the only option he would speak of was for me to move back to the cottage for the deal to survive.

How can I live in the cottage? The place is so exclusive and segregated. Not even death could be reported in time there; is this a trap on my behalf? Is this a death deal? What do they even have in their mind while constructing a scam of a deal?

Either way threat or what I can't lose this deal, I should live in the cottage and I won't even visit the cottage all alone. Instead, I expect Harrold to help me. Harrold should be by my side at least. He is my only trump card in a situation like this.

I know I could never live from this mess of a deal so I would at least need someone with whom I could rely my trust on. Fortunately for me, he is Harrold and I guess I could eagerly travel in the bush knowing that he could be with me.

Her diary was left behind, hidden carefully along with all those document papers Ina could retrieve while she had once raided the cottage where Frank had been murdered.

Ina was fully aware of the fact that her life is a lot threatened when she was in the cottage that took Frank's life. So she could never rely on the evidence with her. She was even confident enough that his men might even visit her apartment amidst her stay in the cottage so she couldn't be so sure otherwise.

Her only left option was to hide it in the apartment wisely and away from their reach. Now she would only hope the work to reach in a good hand. Therefore she would expect a search of her place whenever the cops suspect her missing.

At the cottage.
It was her first-day experience after the previous one. And now it is the situation where she has to stay here for a while concerning the deal both parties have previously agreed to.

Ina suffers from allergies, so living in this open wilderness comes with great adverseness for her. She becomes sick from pollen and dust as well.

Her eyes were a bit swollen when she gazed around to look forward for the extended land in acres around the cottage. Then she specifically stared at her side.

Ina and Harrold sat on the wooden Patio next to each other. The old wood patio of the cottage that was standing on its last straws. Ina looked over at Harrold to meet his gaze.

"Strange isn't it, what life expects from us. Starting this document, I would rather believe that we would end up together and at this place. The place that is the least inhabitable.

Ina, it is for sure that you are a strange woman of your own choice. Tell me what made you choose this place out of elsewhere while fully standing on the ground with all your developing allergic reactions."

Harrold spoke lazily to Ina while he avoided eye contact with her. The duo sat on those abandoned armchairs that they could drag to the patio. Harrold sat calm and lazy while staring at the clear blue morning sky. However, it was Ina whose gaze was still towards Harrold.

"I feel more grateful that you somehow agreed to talk along. The comfortable life you've left behind for me. The document you turned back to commence my document specifically. Your document was on Frank and I have my eye on a document rather too similar. A thought had crossed my mind while we were still planning to move out. I would constantly think you would not show up till the last moment."

"I wish I could spend some time with you. So when I heard you were already up with this idea of moving out with me. I would rather reconsider;" Harrold spoke more casually, but his words were not very casual.

"We are in this together, how about we choose a suitable time and marry? Then Ina Garreth would also suit me more as my surname, what are your thoughts?"

"You are screwing around aren't you?" Harrold did choke on the air which in turn made him laugh a bit. Ina was rather too unpredictable with this request. His reaction made her punch his guts.

"Of course, what did you expect? And why are we screwing around when we have a lot of things to do apart from this. We still have some time till the sun sinks down and with the lights here we can't work at night.

This place has already made me soo sick."

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