Orchids And Salk Mannor

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Fragments of time
Chapter 14
Part 2

The thrill of something new

(Indra Mahej;)

It is from Cindy's observation that we could have a backstory like this. Imagine that Cindy is the one narrating;

Cindy is reading Indra's letters.
I had to carry that hooded jacket of his that he had put in my custody. How could he leave behind his clothing? Even if it cost him his reputation to stay at the restaurant when he got to have the food that I paid for. What made him act so irresponsibly?

We are not too young to act senseless or maybe I am older but still I have my respect for being old.

I would never date such irresponsible guys even if Bushra claim it as a date night, it still isn't. I am offended by her taste and assumption about guys, I can't even think of finding love in him even if I am not in myself.

I have my standards set, so will I value my honor respect, and needs.
Cindy has made sure that she is well-updated with her note-making. She is not just reading papers of autobiography or a series of events from a personal diary. Rather she is dealing with the case and the case would involve everything that is handwritten by the victim on these sheets.

Cindy made sure she had noted down all the names that she came across while reading. Some included Quinton Monrey, Bushra Cyed, Oma Mahej, little girl Priya, and the boy Aashura.

Indra had worked under Quinton, has been guiding and is close to Bushra, was a sister of Oma and aunt to Priya, and had some dues from Aashura that she never got the payment from until now (current update from the description;).

Indra had come to the court dressed just how her junior girl, Bushra wanted her to.

Indra had some pictures taken from the last time at the diner. They were some of those reminiscent memories of them both.

Following the next working day, Bushra seemed to eagerly wait for Indra to show up and anyhow share her experience. Bushra could be seen quite wide-eyed eagerly waiting for Indra's closet choice for the event.

Bushra has quite a girly attribute when it comes to being sniffy as a mouse. Bushra had a good intention and she always wanted the best for the girl she had always looked up to.

Bushra was even willing to spend some extra money from her new paycheck to get her the closet she felt quite fitting for her, but it was Indra who held back saying she got her closet filled with good choices entirely.

Indra couldn't show any of those pictures. Indra was quite aware of Bushra's choice of clothing for her and she would never accept wearing a dress this simple. But Indra had to show, Bushra seemed too curiously awaiting. It could be her first time being such a nosey girl in her life.

Bushra felt ridiculous that they had the same choice, the same outfit choice for something pretty bland and outdated.

'How can people with alike and outdated styles ever meet?'

She ridiculed her sarcastically and she was simply too bold to not screen her bitter commentary. But deep down Indra knew her jokes and her good nature. She always looks up to her. Her face even lit up after knowing that Indra still took her shoes and bag to the diner.

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