Orchids and Salk Mannor

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Fragments of time
Chapter 21
Part 2

To shell a sudden surprise

(Isla Ian;)

"Hello Garp, time flies indeed.
How's everything out there; you, your wife, kids and mom?
Sorry, it's been a while since we spoke."

"Monty my boy!
I am well here and so is everyone.
Indeed time flies and look at your voice, how old you sound. You sound even older than I.
Tell me about Freida and Yolanda. I am bothered much more about them than you."

Their interaction was interrupted by a brief moment of silence where Garp felt questionable about his brother's silence.

"How is your wife and daughter doing? Monty, please don't concern me like this,"

Garp pleaded with Monty with his question and in turn, Monty had responded to him with yet another question.

"How are Isla, Hunter and Jenna doing?"

"You didn't answer me, Monty. Don't worry about my family, they are all doing fine. Jenna is taking both Isla and Hunter for modelling today, so they are getting all prepared and they are super excited about today. Especially Isla bragged a lot about being a part of this event and she even praised Jenna a lot.

I am happy that my wife and my daughters started earning and are no longer dependent.

You could not visit us for a while because of your job. Let's make an amendment today, let's see for a reunion day, how about you bring over your family to our house and we meet? In this case, the mother would meet her beloved granddaughter as well.

She longs to see her granddaughter since she has not seen her for a while, she always mentions how she loves her name Frieda Ian as it sounds similar to her name Fiona Ian. She even wanted to pass over the family hereditary to our dear girl Freida."

Garp was all happily speaking to Monty, but Monty could never handle his grief when he had to phrase himself in a way.

"Yolanda and Freida are long dead for a while now. Please, I am sorry, Garp I am sorry that I couldn't reach out to you on time.

Garp, I lost my wife and my daughter within a short span last year. I can live more happily, I now have to live in the same house with all their memories all the time.

I wish I was never in this situation ever;"

"Is this a sick joke, Monty? How could you ever keep hiding such a truth from me?

Monty you were not always alone, we are family and everything you go through and feel remember we sail on the same ship. Why did you go through this all alone?

Monty, mother's next to me, so I would never bother digging more. But I suggest you text every single ounce of truth on Isla's WhatsApp. Let her know about everything and everywhere we could participate in this till the evening itself."

"I agree with you Garp, I am at fault here and I should've thought straight rather than hesitating on each step. I will listen to your words and will text all the details on Isla's phone. Maybe the burial ground address, so you could come to meet me till the eve;"

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