Orchid and Salk Mannor

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Fragments of time
Chapter 22
Part 3


(Ismail Yaseen;)

They would push their limits to deal with the rest of the arrangements. Harrold was too unwilling to even walk into the cottage when Ina asked for his help with the arrangements.

The cottage was a mess and there were still a lot of things around to sort out. The day was not enough for the work to be carried out. The view of the cottage almost seemed like a dump track. Every generation's stuff was dumped on the top without anyone trying to clear it off.

The bookshelves were rusted and all those books with the papers soo dissolved to crumbs. Apart from books these racks also stored a few of other Frank's documents that Ina could easily pick up during her last trip. There were journals like books and newspapers from various time gaps.

Ina first felt puzzled but was as equally curious to look into this set of Frank's documents she could additionally get from this time's cleaning. Although they were more dissolved than the previous, Ina could still look over the titles of those handwritten documents.

'The twin occult and Cannibalstic group.'

Ina and Harrold have come to a common agreement.

"Harrold, I am way too curious with what Frank has to reveal from this document here and it feels like I can do the reading of it quite too easily;"

There were discarded food packets and boxes everywhere. Every of this trash was just all dry and had flaky content inside these plastic containers. Ina could recognise most of these containers with moulds even though the scent was not distinguishably disgusting. But the rot was too visible.

Plenty of clothes that were left mouldy, disgusting, and fragmented. Even the wood from those wooden almirahs was also pretty badly shaped. The walls were as equally infected and affected too.

The cottage was a hell of a place to live in.

"Harrold, I swear I mean it when I say that we will only live here briefly;"

"As I have spoken to you before. My only interest in staying here with you was just to be able to spend some time around. If we are around, it's almost endurable enough;"

Harrold was just a chill person who had made up a mask out of his kerchief for cleaning purposes.

"I could say when you speak, I could barely meet any person in my life who could be as supportive as you always stay for me.

There is no other like you in my life;"

Today's Meeting;
At Helena's office;

Everyone was present in her office for this meeting.

Madam Helena Wong who is the hostess and the representative today. Her underling Ismail Yaseen who has undertaken the responsibility of gathering the attendees.

Although it was Ismail who had contacted everyone, specifically Helena have to take matters into her own hands when it dealt with the irresponsible behaviour of both Brian and Tyler. They had missed several calls from both Helena and Ismail.

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