Orchids And Salk Mannor

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Fragments of time
Chapter 15

(Tyler Oakley)

Sorrow and tobacco.

(Tyler, naming it the saddest creature alive. He had lost his girlfriend, the woman he loved the most. He tried to jump and die but only could disable himself to spend the rest of his time on a wheelchair. Luckily there was a hope for him to slowly gain back his foot function. He still has to support for his livelihood. How come a small stupid attempt could sore away your life?

Instead Tyler have not learned anything new. He was clumsy, foolish head, babble sheepishly but right now he is still clumsy and sometimes smokes out of his sadness. He is still not into cigarette smoking.)

Planned visit at Umber Penelope's tomb;
It was still earlier in the morning, Wynn who is someone with more IQ, EQ, and more work reliant. Wynn could already feel intensely tired out of sleeping in a particularly unusual way and getting up in a short span of time.

Due to some lack of proper management of food resources, Wynn while being an uninvited guest would still have to chuck down some cans of store-bought coffee chilling in the refrigerator.

His eyes were heavy, even his doe-shaped eyes felt too intense. He was exhausted but would not think about sleeping anyhow. So he started whispering out of his unbearable morning state.

"Tyler, is this the time for you to stay out? It is dawn and you are still not at home? Why are you so reckless Tyler? Why the hell do I have to suffer myself only to guard your home while you clumsily left it to be robbed? You have foolishly suffered from your stiff legs and now you are still the same fool;"

Wynn had entered the bathroom at this point.

"I was here when I visited him at night and his home door was left open. I wished I could at least clean his huge messy home as I would previously do. But my sorrowful tired state would rather allow me to work as freely today.

The truth is if I could get some sleep even if it was for a few minutes."

Wynn whispered for himself while he used the bathroom at his friend's home. It was a mere coincidence when Wynn visited Tyler out of some minor work only to find his door easy to open and break into. Wynn felt alerted. The home was already such a mess and even a huge mess than before. Wynn pitied on this man's condition and felt he could help him the other day and yes it was his worst decision ever.

Wynn couldn't sit on the toilet seat without groaning for his sore back and already he had a work call from Madame Helena Wong.

Wynn tried hard to attentively answer the call in his still messed up condition.

"Wynn, I searched you and the team everywhere today. I was not informed about your absence for this day.

May I at least know where are you?"

Wynn didn't think twice but he had answered mistakenly that was rarely a case thankfully.

"Madame Wong, I am at the toilet at the rental apartment of Tyler. I have been his guest since yesterday night."

"Wynn, remember not to be this vocal. It disgusts me, and I expect this the least from you,"

"My apologies;" Wynn answered as swift.

"Wynn, where is Tyler? You've mentioned you are at his home.

And Wynn, you are assigned for a case connection and it's messy. Meet me sometimes I will talk the case with you.

Wynn, i wish to let you know that I am reporting Brian and Tyler's misbehavior of today's. I have talked to Cindy about Brian's work involvement.

Man I wish if I could do the same for you but you are not his servant. Let him go through this alone."

Helena was rather too frustrated with the two of them.

"Tyler what have you involved yourself with?"

Wynn would feel the same about Tyler for letting him suffer this bad. He had wished for vengeance on his friend. His evil doing when he left the toilet seat unfleshed, stinky, and his poop stained used toilet papers on the floor everywhere.

All this attempt was his part of rage for how he had felt tired while sleeping just a night with just cold coffee and a bad place to sleep.

Tyler was still asleep on the bar's counter table. He sat on his wheelchair and his head dead on his counter with the local bartender still waiting for his payment.

He tried to shrug him roughly to wake him up.

"Boy you are making me stay away form home, pay up now will ya?"

His ginger curls beautifully spread across the table.

"Kid, if you were such a woozy mamma boy to start why did you persist on having the tobacco pot?

Kids like you when you reach your adolescence you never think twice I get it but I have a family that you should know. My kids are waiting at home and I am waiting for you to pay me for my damn service."

"Good for you elderly mam, you have your family and do you know my girl had left me days back? It was as if I was with her this yesterday and now I am mandatory to pay her tomb a visit.

Sir, remind me it's tomorrow morning and on the evening that day I have to go to work."

"Damnit! I can't take it anymore. It's your fifth time speaking the same and now it's also morning so you have to pay and leave."

Tyler was handsomely dressed in his black suit. Seemed like he was prepared for the night ahead and somehow managed to drag his wheelchair to a bar further ahead from his home and to a new neighbourhood.

"I am about to turn 23 soon, am I still a kid? I work full time, am I still a kid?"

"No you are not a child, you are a man-child. Now I wonder how do I deal with customers as this routinely at my place. They have sadness and they would fill my life with sadness.

My foolish attempt to listen to you. You weren't even my regular customer and I haven't seen you in the neighbourhood either. Tobacco for you was my obvious mistake. You seemed a beginner here by your still intolerance."

Wynn was wise enough to install a tracking app in Tyler's phone. Now that Tyler is partially able so Wynn would help him with stuff so did the team. Earlier this morning Wynn would pay a visit at this bar shop specifically to get Tyler to attend the tombs.

Wynn was mistaken as another customer which enraged the bartender but he had clarified himself with clearing the bill payment for his friend.

"Hey boy you look in a hurry. Be my buddy we would add some more to our intoxication."

Tyler's words would silently enrage the barman. He would control his rage by clenching his teeth.

"Wynn, it's still night we still have to wait until day."

Wynn had apologized the bartender while taking the half-conscious friend with him on his wheelchair.

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