Orchids and Salk Mannor

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Fragments of Time
Chapter 22
Part 4

End of the dialogue;

(Ismail Yaseen;)

(In the meeting at Helena's office. Cindy who is sitting in the last row with her notes prepared from Indra's letters;

Cindy is reading out everything that she has prepared from the notes;

But what you are reading is what the 1st writer felt while writing her notes;)

"I have started a new job that requires me to stay further away from home;

Indra, don't you think you've just asked me a lot of questions?" His voice felt annoyed as if he did not wish to bother himself a lot at the moment.

"Don't you still have your studies pending; what about that?"

"I go to my college sometimes and I haven't yet discontinued my studies. My education matters to me a lot since my parents have done a lot for me,"

"Tell me about your job, what kind of job you got for now and why I have to dig this out from you. I am highly suspicious of you right now and to be frank I am just a thought away from digging out your dirty truth. Do you not forget where I work and who I am?"

"If you think of me that way, I will still resort to giving you the little details of my work since I can't give you the project's complete details.

I see you are quite agitated to get the answer from me.

There is this new Mannor which is at the last of its construction days and we are most likely the pre-booked staff.

I hope to make it into the staff list while I have accepted their loan amount. Thankfully they are paying me enough so I can travel as well as pay them back the amount and last thing. This Mannor will commercially open in these secluded forests around the mangrove swamps and it is a horror scheme place."

The call felt different from usual, even his sound felt a lot more annoying. Ashura ended the conversation by never taking any calls furthermore. Indra was left speechless, she wanted to speak to him more but he flat-out cut her off.

She felt his ill temper towards her.

During the conversation, it was Ismail who had presented himself before Cindy, although throughout the entire session, many had their theories to share and the conversation to indulge in, there were plenty of dialogues and perspectives within those dialogues. Even Cindy took her time in explaining what she had written in those letters even though there were plenty left.

Indra's letters would still significantly take up a lot of time for Cindy and Cindy is however most patiently preparing.

The meeting was dismissed and Helena had already called for the interrogation of all these new suspects that would appear in the list marked by Ismail specially.

Fragments of Time
Chapter 23
Part 1

Modelling Career for Ian's Daughters

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