Chapter Twenty-Three: Stealing Strategies

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It had been three weeks since Kincaid found out Reid was a part of the Rebellion, and yet no interrogation ensued.

Reid should have felt relieved, but it only put him on edge. There was no way such a large transgression would be forgotten or forgiven. Were they trying to make him lower his guard?

Aside from that one night where Kincaid had shifted, the Naerian kept his distance from his pair. Reid would occasionally pick up on particularly strong emotions that were not his own, but that was the only form of "communication" the two shared.

Lord Pelryn and Gabriel had not visited again, likely due to Reid being under room arrest. However, he did note with curiosity, that the amount of Guards posted outside the room had decreased significantly. According to Nayavu, there was only one stationed at the entrance. His chains had still not been lengthened, leaving him at the mercy of sponge baths from the servants and as efficient as they were, they had nothing on an actual shower.

The only comfort he had was the visits from the hatchling. Talking to someone prevented him from going completely insane. He'd probably lose his ability to move if it weren't for his training with him or...the daily visits to the bathroom under the supervision of the guard.

Still, he was getting antsy.

Reid lay on the soft nest of pillows and blankets, trying to ignore the confines of his shackles, cradling Nayavu, in his arms. The room was dimly lit by the few sconces lining the walls, and a soft, comforting hum filled the air. It was the only lullaby Reid could remember from his childhood. Before the Change and before his mother...well.

He hoped she was doing alright, that Gabe was able to get to Dania, let her know to take care of his mother in his place. She would do it. She was the only one he could trust with that.

Nayavu, with his big amber eyes and youthful face, rested his head against Reid's chest, seeking solace and answers. "Reid, why doesn't Kincaid like you?" he whispered, his voice tinged with the innocence of youth.

What a loaded question.

Reid sighed, his heart heavy with the weight of the truth he couldn't fully share with the hatchling. Not when he was still trying to win him over. The groundwork was shaky, and now that he knew the young hatchling had some sort of familial bond with the Dragon bastard, he had to be careful about how he presented their situation. Even though the sentiment totally went both ways. "Oh, Nayavu, it's not that Kincaid-emkii doesn't like me. It's just that... well, sometimes adults have disagreements, just like you might have with your friends."

This was a stretch. One, for the fact that Kincaid definitely didn't like me. Two, because of Nayavu's sheltered life, he wasn't even sure he had friends. From the snippets Reid had managed to gleam from the boy, he was just as much a prisoner here as Reid was. Waiting to be shipped off somewhere. Where was a bigger question that was pressing in the back of Reid's mind, but he wouldn't push it and risk offending the hatchling. After all, he was Reid's only hope at learning how to control his powers.

Nayavu blinked his large, curious eyes, "But why? You're supposed to be bonded."

Reid brushed his fingers gently over Nayavu's arm where there were small traces of blue and gold scales, following the patterns. "Yes, we are...bonded, but sometimes even mates have different ideas about what's best. It's like when you and I might want different things for dinner. It doesn't mean we don't care about each other; it's just that we see things a little differently."

God, that last sentence made Reid want to hurl.

Nayavu considered this, his brow furrowing slightly in thought. "But can't you and Kincaid talk it out and be friends again?"

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