30 minutes later, y/n and her family made it to SM Entertainment building.
Y/n: We're here
NCT: Yeah
8loom: You were knocked out
Y/n: Yeah and I wanted sleep because I didn't sleep well on the plane
Chayney: We know but you need to sleep early after today
8loom: I agree with NCT and Chayney senpai
NCT: I agree with Chayney
Y/n: yes
After they get inside SM Entertainment NCT, Chayney, 8loom & Y/n were greeted by the staff.
Staff: welcome back y/n and who are these wonderful boys doing with you
Y/n: Thanks and this is Chayney and 8loom
Staff: Your welcome and I hope Chayney and 8loom have a wonderful time here at SM Entertainment.
NCT: Sorry y/n but we have to go because we have schedules today
Y/n: It's alright and I understand you all our busy
Chayney: Yeah and y/n will show us around
8loom: Yeah
NCT: Ok and y/n be prepared to meet your ex boyfriend who is in this building.
Y/n: Ok and I'll be ready to kick his butt.
NCT: Ok and be safe all of you.
Chayney: Yes NCT senpai
8loom: Yes NCT senpai

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