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I know I said this in the description, but I'm going to say it again. This is a work in progress, also the first thing I'm really working on and putting out there. Please, just be kind and bear with me!! I'm going to try to update weekly, but life happens so I'm offering an apology now.

Thank You!!!!

Hope you enjoy!!!!


It started off as literally just another random night at the club. It wasn't supposed to turn into a one-night stand and that was never meant to turn into a full-on relationship being kept secret. It was never supposed to turn out like this. The fighting, the love, none of it. I was always supposed to be kept a secret, just a friend. This, all of this was always supposed to be a secret. Looking back on it now, I know that was never going to work. Everyone knows who they are and what they stand for. I was fine staying in the shadows and letting the light shine on them. I wanted to be the little toy that they'd call when loneliness or boredom set in. A night at the club should never destroy lives the way it did mine. At least it's one hell of a story to tell.

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