Part 4

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T.W. stalking
Please don't ask how this happened, but it did. If this will cause you distress please, do NOT read Devon's POV.


Devon POV

I watched as Amelia's perfect body practically skipped away from me and into her friend's car. The same friend that tries to stare me down every time she sees me. Bitch. The car speeds off and I flick my cigarette to the ground, stomping it out. Amelia thinks her world is perfect and just because she finally got over that loser, John, she's safe. Little does she know that I've been watching her long before she moved in next door.

"Out to celebrate, huh? Well, I won't be caught off guard by a change of plans again." I mutter to myself as I walk in my apartment. I pick up the box of spy cams I ordered online a few weeks ago for this very opportunity. I wanted to make sure that I'd always know what sweet, little Amelia was up to. Tonight seems perfect for that.

Amelia is a quiet girl and not one I'd normally waste this much time on but she's naive enough to live this close to me and never question a thing. Even the shared laundry room where I installed a camera three days before she moved in. I laughed to myself when she expressed discomfort when washing her clothes before. She's so cute when she's scared, almost makes me feel bad... almost

I walk down my basement steps and across the room. Her steps lead to the kitchen door, the only door she doesn't lock. I'll never understand why. Probably because she believes I'll help her if anything ever happens. Which I would- I'm a stalker, not an asshole. I want Amelia alive, if I didn't I would have offed her by now.

I make my way through her house, setting up cameras in every room. I'm careful to leave everything exactly how I found it. No sense in scaring the little thing. She'll be back in a couple of hours to shower and sleep before waking bright and early for her work day and I'll be watching. The whole time.

Steve POV

There's nothing I love more than waking up next to Bucky before the sun rises. I look at the clock: 5 A.M. Go figure, only an hour of sleep after staying up all night. I smile looking down at a still sleeping Amelia curled against my side, Bucky's arm holding her close to his chest. I kiss them on the forehead and carefully slide out of bed. I'll be dead on my feet by noon, but I'm restless. I already know that letting go of Amelia is going to be hard for me. She already fits in with us so well, not to mention she's adorable. I pull on some sweat pants, a shirt and my sneakers and leave the room- making sure the door closes quietly behind me. My body was exhausted but my mind raced over the possibilities... What if she decides to stay? What if Amelia really does belong with Bucky and I? How the hell do I convince Bucky of that? He's so persistent that this is a one nightstand- that whatever this is, won't happen again.

I walk through the living room, flicking on the table-side lamp. Amelia's dress was flung over the back of the couch, it looks clean but I decide to wash it anyway. She'll need something to wear home and I'm not going to let the little princess walk around in dirty clothes. I already sound pussy whipped. I think to myself, tossing it in the washing machine before going outside and heading off for a run. It's the only thing I can think of to clear my head. I smile to myself as I take off. By the time I make it back, I've already decided that I'm going to stay in contact with her no matter what Bucky says. It'd just be a hell of a lot easier if he agreed.

I realize soon after walking in that's not going to happen. He's already awake, leaning against the counter with a coffee mug. I know the look on his face. Bucky knows what's going through my head already, and he's going to be quick to shut it down. Which means I'll just bide my time and wait until he's off my back. Placate him until it's safe to get what I want... Who I want.

Bucky POV

I'm leaning against the kitchen counter, a coffee in hand when Steve comes in from his morning run. I'd been up for a while, watching him take laps around the compound. I already knew what was going through his head from the look on his face.

"No. The answer is no."


"No, Steve. We're not fucking up her life. She doesn't deserve that." I set the mug down and cross my arms.

"Why not let her decide that?" He plops in a chair across from me.

"No. Let it go, let her go." Steve's eyes flashed with annoyance. I'd love to give him everything this world has to offer, including Amelia but she's fragile. She's not built for this kind of life.

"It's not that I can't it's that I don't want to. She's great! She takes us both so well and-"

 "She's great, but we can't keep her. She'll get hurt and I'm not going through that again." I cut him off, moving to stand in front of him.

"She's perfect for both of us, Buck. We can protect her." Steve bargained. "What happened before wasn't our fault, you know that. This time is different. Kara would want us to move on."

"That's enough, Steve. I want her too, you're insane if you think I want to give up on this, but we can't, it isn't fair to her. So, the answer is no." I shake my head and look over my shoulder. I wasn't sure how long Amelia had been standing there. Her hair a mess, her perfect little body practically drowning in Steve's shirt, she looked amazing. Good enough to rip that damn shirt off of her and give her the good morning she deserves. I fight my compulsions and just smile at her. "Good morning, doll. How'd you sleep?"

Devon POV

I start to get antsy as the hours pass and she still isn't home. Maybe she decided to stay with a friend? It's happened a few times before and pissed me off each time. I can't stand anybody else seeing her, especially when she's been drinking. She opens up, gets more... risqué. Full on panic sets in when she still hasn't made it home by nine the next morning. She should have already been home then left for work by now. It's not until I see a blue truck pull up out front that I get pissed off. I peek through the shades, seeing my girl in the passenger seat and some blonde guy driving. I keep my cool until he leans over and kisses her. Rage flows through me but I stay in place, especially when she hops out of the truck and I see the hickey on her neck. The guy watches until she goes inside before pulling away. Then, I let my rage out and punch a hole in the wall. Amelia is mine, and I'll make sure this punk knows it.


I decided to add a little backstage kinda action. How'd we feel about it?

Thank you for reading!!!! 

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