Part 1

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The girls and I were celebrating finally getting a contract signed with a well-known author for our editing and publishing services. We had been trying to make a deal with this author for over a year and we were finally able to agree on a contract and get it signed. It was a perfect night to go out, the weather had just started to get chilly but was still warm enough for my form-fitted black dress and heels to match. I sat on the edge of my bed in the dress, staring daggers at a pair of black stilettos and a different pair of red pumps. I don't like wearing heels, I never have. My bestie, London, has always joked that I look like a newborn calf trying to run in heels. I will try to break my neck every time. I finally settled on an old pair of converses, deciding mixing liquor with heels of any kind was a disaster waiting to happen. I laced my shoes, grabbed my wallet and keys, and walked out.

The city's lights burned a little brighter tonight, almost as bright as the night I moved here from Texas. Originally, I was only going to stay for a few months to help set up since I can do most of my editing work from home, but quickly fell in love with the city and decided to stay. I loved my little hometown but being the kind of person I am, I never really fit in. Tiny towns aren't kind to alternative people, even if they are just kids. When I moved to New York City, I finally felt at home. I took a deep breath and started walking down the steps to wait on my friends when my neighbor, Devon, started talking to me, "Hey, Amelia! Heading out for the night?"

"Hey, yeah, we closed another contract this morning so the girls and I are heading out to celebrate." Devon was a good guy and a great neighbor. He's a streamer so he plays a lot but makes sure to keep the noise level down when he knows I'm home sleeping. He helped move my couch and mattress inside when I first moved in and watches over my place when I'm at work or the rare occasion when I do go out at night. "You staying in again?"

"Yeah, the guys are planning a raid on an enemy's base and kind of need my help. They don't have the firepower without me." He laughed, "Hey, you should come over and play sometime, I'll teach you."

"Thanks, Dev, but I think video games are more your area of expertise. I'd probably end up having a friendly fire incident and taking out half of the team." I laughed back. We stood talking for a couple more minutes when Ophelia pulled up in her car. It was a ragged out late 90s Honda of some sort and I still don't know how she's kept it on the road this long. "Well, that's my ride, I'll see you later!" I waved and started walking away.

"Oh, yeah, for sure! Hey, let me know when you're ready to learn how to play this game!" Devon yelled behind me.

"Yeah, sure, bye!" I yelled back and closed the car door.

I looked at Ophelia who was snickering, "Lover boy still not catching the hint?"

"Oh, stop it, he's just being nice." I punched her shoulder.

"Sure, and he doesn't take time to conveniently be outside when he knows you're leaving?"

"You have to admit it is a little weird that he's always there when you are, Amelia." Cadence said from the back seat, causing me to jump in mine.

"Jesus! Cadence, you couldn't have announced yourself before now?" I hollered as I spun in the seat to face her.

"Well, I could but then we'd never hear your accent." She laughed. When I first moved everyone could tell I wasn't from the area and of course made jokes about it, after a while I learned how to mask it. It was so much simpler like that.

"Leave her alone, you know she can't help when her country fried comes out." Ophelia said with a bad mock accent.

"Ha-ha, very funny y'all. I can tell you two already pre-gamed, want to talk about that?" They stopped laughing, "Yeah, that's what I thought. Where are we going?"

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