Part 5

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I woke up to the morning sun blazing through the windows. A groan left me while I took in my surroundings, then my breath caught once I realized I wasn't home. My mind raced for an explanation when I heard their voices. Bucky and Steve, Stucky. I let a grin take temporary residence on my face, slowly remembering the night before. They were in an adjoining room, having a whispered argument about something. I rolled out of the bed, looking around the room for my dress. After not finding it, I resolved to throwing on a random shirt left on the dresser.

As I made my way out of the room, I caught the end of the argument. "She's great, but we can't keep her. She'll get hurt and I'm not going through that again."

"She's perfect for both of us, Buck. We can protect her." Steve bargained. "What happened before wasn't our fault, you know that. This time is different... Kara would want us to move on."

"That's enough, Steve. I want her too, you're insane if you think I want to give up on this, but we can't, it isn't fair to her. So, the answer is no." Bucky replied, looking over his shoulder seeing me. "Good morning, doll. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept great, thank you." Steve peeked around Bucky as I spoke, his harsh expression softening while his eyes raked over my body. A ghost of a smile fell over his face and his eyes flashed with amusement. "That's my shirt, princess."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't find my clothes. I can take it off, I didn't even think.... I figured it'd be better than walking around naked, ya know?" I rambled and started to pull it off but he was already in front of me, pushing my arms down.

"Don't be sorry, you look amazing in it. Better than I do, honestly." His eyes filled with adoration and lust. "Are you hungry? We already ate, but we can go make you something."

"No, I'm fine. Unless you happen to have some coffee? I'd kill for a cup right now." I chuckled, feeling a headache start setting in.

Bucky stood up and picked a mug from the table, "I thought you'd ask that. There's some cream and sugar in it already." He extended the cup and I took it from him, smiling softly when I took a sip. "How are you feeling? We didn't hurt you, did we?" His eyes were filled with worry. Their strength was overwhelming but it left me extremely satisfied and if I'm being honest, it left me hungry for more. Even now, I craved for one of them to take me right here on the couch. I wasn't going to tell them that though, "I'm fine, nothing hurts. I feel amazing."

"Good, I don't like breaking my toys. Especially not when they're as pretty as you." Bucky smirked. "But you are going to eat something before you leave. I'm sure you're exhausted."

I smirked at him, "Okay, daddy, since you insist."

His eyes went dark for a moment, "Don't call me that, I won't be as gentle as I was last night, doll. I won't hold back next time." I felt my core tighten. "Sit." He pointed to a chair at the kitchen island next to Steve.

"So, what do you do for work?" Steve asked when I sat down, pulling me from the ramblings my mind was about to put me through.

"I-uh- It's nothing really." I blushed a little and looked away. "Well, maybe not nothing but it's kind of boring. Definitely not as exciting as saving the world from total doom."

"Oooh, now I have to know!" He laughed, his hand roaming over my exposed thigh.

"I... I'm an editor and I used to write." I tilted my head to peek at his reaction.

He smiled and laughed again, "Oh, really? What do you write about?"

Was he serious right now? "Uh, fantasy novels, I mostly edit them. I haven't really written anything in years."

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