Part 2

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Picking up from the bar scene, sorry for the long chapters and the little cliffhanger!! I'll try to shorten them a little as I go along. Thanks again!!!!


"Hey! There they are! We were beginning to think you girls took off on us!" Toby yelled, throwing his arms wide, "Don't worry, more drinks are on the way, my treat."

Ophelia smiled wide, "Thank you! Guys, how sweet is he? Be honest, now." We all exchanged pleasant affirmations before diving back into random conversations, ranging from work to movies to the latest news around the world. Honestly, it wasn't that bad even if the men my friends found acted like they couldn't wait to get them alone. I looked around for Steve and Bucky, finding them at a table close by, still watching me.

Ophelia leaned over, "I know you're not going to want the press, but go talk to them. Steve can't take his eyes off of you! Besides that, there's no harm in just talking to somebody. It's not like CNN is going to be barging down your door asking what you guys talked about." She nudged me and I looked back at the men.

"I mean, I guess I could go say thank you again, right? No harm in that?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at her.

"Exactly! It'll be totally fine and I'll keep an eye on you. If it looks like you're in trouble I'll whistle."

"Okay, I guess I'll be back in a minute." I told no one in particular, it just made me feel better. I dodged bodies swaying to the music and made my way over. Steve noticed first and watched my every move, a smile breaking out on his face when I got closer.

"Hey, I was wondering if we'd get to talk to you again." He said when I reached them.

"I just wanted to come thank you guys again for earlier. You really didn't have to help me but you did and I really appreciate it."

"No big deal, doll. We're kind of used to helping out the little guy." Bucky smirked and motioned at a chair between the two of them. "Care to join us?"

"Uhm," I look over my shoulder at my friends, looking for reassurance. When I notice they're not paying any attention I move to sit. "So, uh, how's your night been?"

Steve put his arm over the back of my chair, "Well, it's definitely been interesting. Hasn't it James?"

Bucky smiled, "Yeah, interesting is the word I'd use. You?"

"It's been good." I said, "Haven't done much dancing though since my usual partner found someone else for the night."

"Oh, really? And who would that be?" Bucky asked.

"My friend or the guy?"

"Your friend."

"Oh, right; Cadence, the redhead in the green dress." I tried pointing her out, "She met that guy on the floor earlier and has been stuck to his side since. No big deal, I'm glad she's having such a good time." I looked down, feeling vulnerable and nervous at the situation I put myself in. I didn't know these guys and sure, they're heroes but what do they do on their off time? "I should probably get back."

I tried standing up but Steve wrapped his arm on my shoulder, "Hey hold on. You don't have to be nervous, besides I'm not done talking to you yet. We have all night if you want. Where are you from?"

I suddenly got even more nervous, "Texas, down by the gulf." I twisted my fingers together.

"Cool, I was down there a few months ago on vacation. Pretty great place, honestly anywhere is pretty great when you were stuck in ice for 70 years, especially if it's warm. I don't think James has ever been, have you?"

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