Part 11

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Our attempt at going to the room without interruptions was put on hold when the elevator stopped at the main floor and wouldn't move anymore. We accepted fate and stepped out. The others were gathered around a large dining table, swapping stories, and boasting about battles won. They looked like an unconventional family for a moment. The great Avengers looked like kids sitting around their mother's table. There was a lightness in the air, everyone looked so casual. They looked like they were genuinely enjoying the company they were surrounded with.

All except Nat, that is; she still looked upset. I couldn't tell why, annoyance? Jealousy maybe? I whispered to Steve, "Is Nat okay?" He shook his head. "Do they know about you two?" He shook his head again.

"Hey, Stark, any reason the elevator won't let us go up?" Bucky spoke, popping the p on 'up'.

Tony turned around and looked at the men on either side of me, "You two should be more careful sneaking people in here."

"Yeah, I know." Bucky grumbled. "Is that all?"

"No, is she going to be a regular guest?" He flashed a smile at me.

Steve said, feeding off Bucky's annoyance, asked "Does it matter?"

"Yes, you snuck her in here and now you don't even have the courtesy of answering a few questions? I'm offended." He said dramatically, putting his hand over the glowing orb in his chest.

"Well, geeze Tony, put them right on the spot." Clint said. "I get the feeling there hasn't been much talk between them." He busted out laughing. Everyone except for Peter practically fell out of their seats laughing.

A blonde-haired woman entered the room, followed by a bright red - man? Robot? I wasn't sure. "Let's try to keep it PG, somethings aren't meant for even teen-age ears." Scattered apologies came from the table. She turned around and extended her hand, "Hello, this is Vision and I'm Wanda Maximoff."

I shook her hand, "Hello, I'm Amelia Castle."

"Did you say Castle?" Tony asked.

"Yes, Amelia Ann Castle." I let go of Wanda's hand.

"Any relation to-."

Nat cut him off, "Don't Tony, she doesn't know and she doesn't like to talk about it. Trust me, just leave it alone." 

"Are you joining the team, Ms. Amelia." Peter said, smiling at me.

I smile and shake my head. "No, Peter, I'm not really cut out for being an Avenger. I'll have to leave the saving the world thing to you guys. Oh, and it's just Amelia, no need to say Ms."

"Oh, well, alright."

Nat smiled at me, "so, how long are you sticking around for? We ordered pizza for dinner if you guys are hungry."

"Uhh, I don't really know. Probably at least tonight. I couldn't ask any of you to drive me back this late."

"It would be no problem, Princess." Steve stated, softly smiling down at me.

"Neither one of you are in any condition to drive, Steve, and it wouldn't be right to ask your friends." I looked at Bucky, his eyes were drooping. Even though he spent most of the afternoon asleep, he was still tired. "James, I think you need a shower and some sleep."

"You're probably right, Doll. We can talk more in the morning." He smirked at me then looked at Tony, "Are we excused now?" He asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, just don't sneak anyone else in here." He pushed a button on his phone, releasing the elevator. "Amelia, don't go wandering around. Don't want anyone getting hurt because they were playing with something they weren't supposed to."

"You got it, Mr. Stark!" The words barely left my mouth when Bucky picked me up. I could have fought back a little and pushed him to put me down but I didn't. This wasn't about me not being capable of finding my way or following them, this was for his comfort. Something about today left Bucky in a dark place and he was using me to bring himself back to normal. I peeked over his shoulder at Steve who had a worried expression plastered on his face. I reached my hand out to him, "You okay, Stevie?"

He smiled and kissed my knuckles, "Much better now, Princess." The elevator doors open and we step inside. Suddenly, I feel tension radiating off of Bucky. I open my mouth to say something but close it when he sets me on my feet and steps away from me. Steve looks concerned and reaches out to touch his arm, but Bucky brushes him off. I mold my back against the wall behind me and the three of us stand in silence until we reach the floor. We step out and finally make our way to the room. Once inside, Steve starts preparing dinner and Bucky goes to shower. Not sure what else to do, I sit on the couch and wait.



Hey guys! I'm getting teeth pulled later today so 2 chapters dropping today. Expect a slow/filler part next week.

Also, how are we feeling about this so far? I want to hear from you!! Don't forget to vote & comment. Thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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