Part 9

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Mentions of Violence (end of chapter)


I slowly turned around, hoping I was wrong and that I had just opened a window and forgot about it. I prayed that a gust of wind had rearranged things for me, but I knew that wasn't the case. I suddenly felt eyes on me, my breath quickened, I finished turning and that's when I saw her. The red-head from the compound. My mind went blank and I suddenly couldn't remember her name.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm Natasha Romanoff, but everyone calls me Nat."

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you. A favor for one of our... mutual friends."

"Mutual friends?" Obviously, I know who she's talking about but I just wanted to make sure.

"James. He was worried you would get yourself in trouble and asked me to look after you." She answered dryly.

"Why? He was clear he didn't want me hanging around." He enjoyed our time, just like Steve and I had, but he said multiple times he wasn't going to form an attachment.

"What Bucky says and what he does are usually two totally different things. He likes you." She chuckled.

I was confused, "So what? Other people like me and they don't send strangers to sneak into my house to babysit me."

"Well, I guess my friends are better than yours." She smiled, "I guess you left a very good impression on him." I looked at the floor, trying to calculate my next words but she cut my thoughts short. "He's very closed off; he's gotten better in recent years and this is proof of that. If he sent me to look after you it's a good thing."

I looked back at Nat. I wasn't sure what to say or do. Just a little bit ago I was freaking out about what I had done and that Bucky didn't want to see me anymore but that Steve apparently did. Why had Bucky asked her to come and not Steve? Did he think higher of me than Bucky did? Does Steve assume that I can take care of myself?

I bounced off my desk and made my way back to the kitchen. "Ice cream?" I asked Nat over my shoulder. She chuckled and followed me, "I'm really not sure about all this. Not gonna lie, I've never had this happen before." I said as I collected the ice cream and a couple of bowls from the cabinet. "I didn't realize when I went home with them that night that I was going to get a new shadow. How long have you been following me?" I joked but when I turned to face Nat, she had a stone expression on her face.

"Them? I thought you only hooked up with Bucky?"

I froze, he didn't tell her that I was with Steve too. "Uh, yeah, I was with Steve and Bucky. It seemed to be Steve's idea. He didn't tell you that?"

"No, he didn't. Bucky made it out like it was just you two. What exactly happened?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"Well, how much do you know?" I asked, popping open the ice cream lid. I watched Nat lean against the counter and look around.

"Apparently, not much and just to clarify, I'm not upset with you. I'm not going to break your nose or throw you through a window. I'm pissed at him for not giving me the full information." I knew the look on her face, it's the same one I had when I first got the idea that John was sleeping around on me. It was anger and betrayal over the man she loved.

I started scooping our creamy treat in the bowls in silence. We both needed a minute to process everything. I finished loading us up and extended a bowl and a spoon to her. "Which one?"

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