Part 16

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A.N. Shout out to my writing partner & editor: Amethyst_Storm95

Without you there would never be a decent fight scene in this fic.

T.W. ~ violence & language


Amelia POV:

Three months. It's literally been three months since I've seen my guys in person. Calls, texts and facetime are nice but nothing compared to being wrapped up in Steve's arms or Bucky teasing me about using his body wash. I'm stuck in a meeting with the most boring author I think I've ever met. I'm not even paying attention, just watching the seconds pass by on the clock. Only 30 more minutes before I can excuse myself from the meeting and leave work early without catching hell about it from my friends.

The minutes pass by and I'm practically bouncing in my chair. 10...9...8..7... I look around, making sure nobody is paying too much attention to me. 4...3...2...1... I stand up and offer a polite nod, picking up my paperwork and slipping out of the room undetected... or so I thought. I barely make it five steps when somebody grabs my arm.

"We need to talk." I roll my eyes when I realize it's Ophelia. I haven't given her much of a chance to mother-hen me recently since I've been coming in late and leaving early the past few weeks, so I guess my time has come.

"Hey, I'd love to but-"

"But what? Have somewhere to be?"

I bite my lip and giggle a little, and I'm 100% positive I look somewhat akin to a blushing schoolgirl right now. "Yes, I do."

"Mhmm... you've been on the go a lot lately. Anything you want to tell me?"

I put a finger on my chin, like I'm actually thinking about it. "Nope. Nothing comes to mind." I smirk. I decided not to tell my friends about the guys yet. We stand there in a slight awkward silence before I hear my phone start ringing in my bag. I know for a fact it's Bucky just by the ringtone- I'm bringing sexy back by Justin Timberlake. "Welp, see ya later."

I try to walk away again but she holds my arm, keeping in place. "No, no, no. We really need to talk. I'm worried about you."

My phone goes silent. "Look, I'd love to but I actually do have somewhere to be."

"Amelia, come on. We can go get a coffee. I know you only had one this morning. Come on, girl, I'm buying." I check my phone, and pull up a text from Bucky:

All good, doll?

I don't bother texting him back, just put my phone on silent and slip it in my pocket and look at Ophelia again. "Ya know what? Coffee sounds great."


I'm silent for most of the walk to the cafe and make it a point to make polite conversation, skirting any questions around my personal life or my odd behavior the past few months. I eventually give in after my second coffee and spill my guts to Ophelia. I give her every gritty detail from the mind blowing sex to Bucky's dark past. Nothing was off the table.

"He what?!" Ophelia yells, pulling the attention from almost everyone in the little cafe.

"Shhh! I know it sounds a little... unconventional but he's sweet."

Her voice drops and she leans in a little. "That's great Amelia, really great. It'd be even better if he didn't work for Hydra as a fucking assassin! Are you insane?!"

The ArrangementOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora