Part 14

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A.N. Did ya'll really think I'd leave you hanging? ;) My writing partner says you're welcome! Seriously though, wait till the end.

T.W. Smut, fluff, angst, mentions of violence, Dom!Bucky, Dom!Steve, stalker like activities, voyeur type things (if you don't know what that is you're too young to be reading this& I'm calling your adult.)


Amelia POV: 

My bare feet padded across the cold marble floor. I turn on the shower and pull my shirt off, thankful that the room is already warming up by the steam bellowing around me. I wait a few more minutes, looking over the dark blue walls. I don't think Steve or Bucky picked out the color scheme, but it's nice. I think it's very relaxing. I check the water again, pleased that it's at the perfect temperature before stepping in. I close my eyes and lean my head back, letting the hot water wash over my hair. The sound of the rushing water and my breathing fills the air. I think I hear the door opening but brush it off. 

If I'm right, Steve is out there tearing Bucky apart for not at least calling last night. I share in his annoyance but I'm willing to push it aside. He must've had a good reason for not coming back, right? I wipe the water from my eyes and look at the bottles of products on the shower shelf, frowning slightly at my options. Typical guy things, 2-in-1s, body wash but to my luck I found a bottle of just conditioner.

"Has to be Bucky's." I giggle to myself before tipping my head back into the water again. My mind wanders to the night before. Steve taking control, but still making sure I was safe, comfortable and taken care of. I smirk to myself and grab a bottle of body wash, squirting some of it on a washrag I found on the shelf next to the towels. I move the rag across my body, lathering the soap against my skin. I'm taking deep breaths, the rich, earthy scent filling my nose; I know almost instantly that it's Bucky's. He always smells like he's been walking around the woods for hours.

I hear the shower door slide open and almost slip when I spin around to see who it is, my breath hitching when Bucky catches me. He's got a cocky smirk on his face as his eyes scan over my naked body. "I thought I smelled my soap."

"I-I'm sorry. I'll get you more of it... I just didn't-."

"I'm not worried about it, sweetheart." He steps in the shower and moves his face close to mine. "I like the way it smells on you."

My face gets hot and I can't stop the giggles from bubbling out of my mouth. "That is so corny."

He chuckles a little and shakes his head, "Oh, come on, that was my best pick up line."

"The best one? Poor baby, you really have no game."

"Oh really?" His eyebrows raise as he looks down at me again. "You're really going to tease me about how I pick up girls? Especially because it didn't take much to get you."

I put my finger on my chin, pretending to think about this for a moment before smirking and nodding my head. "Yeah, because I think it's fun to tease you." His eyebrows raise again and I'm distracted by the look in his eyes before being brought right back to reality by a quick slap on my ass. "Ow, Bucky!" I yell, turning my head to look at the bright red handprint.

His fingers grip my chin and he forces me to look up in his eyes. "Don't act like a brat, and I won't treat you like one."

My bottom lip pokes out slightly, leaving a soft pout on my face. "I thought you said you wouldn't hurt me?"

"Oh, love, there's a difference between hurting you and discipline. That was discipline, your mouth got a little too smart for your own good. Now, say you're sorry." I mumble a half "sorry" and try looking away, but he pulls my chin again. "A real apology, Amelia."

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