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'After talking to Dr. Ramani, my sweet hearted selfless dear uncle, yah selfless uncle. I called Digvijay to meet me, he is working in the hospital so I walked towards his office.'

Pushing the door open ajar he saw him engulfed in some thoughts. Oh my this man is looking so serious.

"What happened buddy?
You called me and told me 'it's an emergency and come right now,' for that random anonymous girl. You are doctor yourself can't you manage things on your own. Huh."
"Do you know? I have to come from Goa direct here, I didn't get any minutes of rest, after cracking the hell of deal man. And I didn't even eat anything for 8 hours."
I rant about all my suffering.

No reaction.
He is just sitting his head down.

"Vijay? Hey, come on. that patient is okay. she will survive. don't worry man. If you like her that much, then after she regains consciousness let's get both of you married."

Again no reaction.
Only last option then

I shouted .

He jurked cause of my voice.
"What man? Why are you shouting?"
He asked me irritatingly.

He is irritated cause of me, hey I should be the person who should have been irritated.

"Why am I shouting? did you listen to me when I was talking to you just now?"
I gave him frustrating look.
But he looks nonchalant.
"Hey what happened? you look troubled. Is that patient your new girlfriend? I knew it. that's why you were so worried. "

Having very long sigh. He continued.
"That girl just met me today only,I didn't know her Name till her friend filled the form. It's not about that patient. She is not my girlfriend."
Having a sigh he passed me a bored look.very different from that look when his eyes twinkle while he was talking about that girl.

' achhaa bachuu ! you want to play this game then meet the coach. '

"So what is the name of that patient girl revati, ragti, something Starts from r right. I read it just now but can't remember it. What was that "
I scratch my head showing my frustration that, I can't remember her name.

"It's Rajni."
He answered. Just like I assume, damn you Vijay.

"She is such a selfish person, for her enjoyment; she is harming her friends and family. can you believe it? Tch..her poor friend and family."
I asked him while shaking my head and giving pitiful expressions.

"No she is not selfish person. And she cares about her friend more than anything."
Finally he answered. You are on right path mrutunjay. Keep it up.

"How do you know?"
I asked him , raising a brow.

"Cause when she crashed into me, when she was buying ice cream for her friend."
So that's how they met.

"Clumsy person she is"
I said touching my nose to hide my 600volt smile.

"No. It's not all her fault. I am also not looking in the front,. I was checking my mail. and she was looking at her ice cream cones. "
He is admitting his fault. Wow banda to pura gaya.

"And where was her friend."
Come on I also wanted to know where was that crying bird at that time you know.

"She was in the mall."
The mall has better ice cream than roadside rubbish then why is buying that outside of the mall.

"Then why Rajni buying ice cream out side of the mall. I know to save money."
Let's agitate my dear friend Vijay.

"No. she was buying her friends favourite flavour Ice-cream which is pista flavour."
Oh that's why that girl was crying saying cause of her that accident happened.

"But that girl Rajni is totally reckless, to cross road without looking at anything."
Yes even if you like her you can't overlook her stupidity.

"No. she crossed the road, when signal was red."
He said banging the table so hard. He is totally whipped.

"How do you know."
I asked him casually, now the case is out of my hand.

"Cause, I was watching her."
you were watching her.....

"Why were you watching her?"
I was fast to recover my shock and ask him about the aftermath.

"Cause I like her."
He looked shocked man he liked that girl.

"But it's your first meeting"

"Yess but something about her is I feel very attractive. I don't know.
..... cough...... cough.....
Well leave that aside. I want to talk to you about something important."
He said seriously

"Don't change the topic."
I am not a fool okay.

"I am not changing the topic. it's really important. Look at this"
Saying this he showed me some papers.

"Are you kidding me?"
I screamed standing from my seat
I am angry now.  Really very angry.

"No I am not. This is real. Bitter but truth."
He gave me a stern look.

"Then why are you showing me this now? Shouldn't you have showed me this the minute I came in your office.
I have to handle this matter."

"No need , Dushyant Bhai already had handled this. I talked with them after admitting Rajni."
He said looking outside of the window, at blue sky, accessories with snowy white clouds.

"Are you fine?" I asked him, not sure what to say to comfort him. Or can I comfort him.

"I am fine."
He answered almost inaudible , if not for the cabin just be engulfing both of us and the annoying pin drop silent I have missed his answer.

'Did he said anything.'
I wanted to ask him but refrained myself from doing that

He was scilent .
Too much silence. I hated that when he went into that mode .


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