cafe date

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So in the book's cafe

This is the cafe far away from college, it is peaceful and calm cafe there won't be more people on weekends.

By stalking dayawati's social media Avinash found out that she came to this cafe every second and fourth Thursday so taking this chance as it is most likely affordable place for all of them the trio decided to meet dayawati here.

In secluded corner of the lavishing cafe. A table of four people, Rajni and dayawati are sitting on that table crossed, facing each other. One is drinking her coffee with slow manner, while other is drinking, no holding, no.... trying to hold The cup of tea without shaking .

From some distance from them seated one girl and boy as couple, the boy is wearing hat and black jacket and girl is wearing baby pink knee-length dress, and white knee-length socks with blonde hairs.
They are mrunal and Avinash.
They disguised themselves to protect Rajni if things got out of control.

So the thing is after lot of convincing mrunal and Avinash prepared Rajni for this bali ka Bakra mission. But our lovely Rajni put the condition that, if she is going to be a bali ka Bakra then she wanted Both of them to be there for her moral support.
But if both of them are going to be there, then that will cause more problems. so they both made disguised themselves and present there as couple.

Started Rajni,
Come on Rajni you just have to repeat what you have memorized.
What was that!!!
"Hi miss dayawati I am Rajni. I am here to represent Avinash today as there is some misunderstanding happed between both of you, so without beating around bush, let me make it clear for both of you. Just take me as Avinash.

At that time on campus someone by mistake pushed me and I bumped into you and I fall on you that's why, I and you kissed. I am really sorry for that but it is not really fully my fault as it is accident and it just happened by a purely coincidence. that I was going to fall and you passed by from their and we both just kissed.
And sorry for the second kiss also as it was again a pure accident. I didn't knew that your hand was on my bags strips and I pulled it and you fall on me and we kissed. so for second kiss you kissed me so we are even now . So you should not bring any grudges about me and I will also don't mention it again. Let's forget that and again sorry."

Yess that's it just say this and let's end the topic come on.
Saying this in her mind Rajni held the cup with shivering hands.

"So..... W...waiter.."
Rajni started to speek but looking at dayawati's eyes which are boring holes in her head, she shouted waiter.

After waiter came to their table Rajni looked at dayavati and asked waiter to bring two coffee

"No." decline dayavati to waiter.
And motion him to go from there..

"Listen girl, you had kept me here for almost more than half hour, now, and I already had my lunch with you, cause you insist that We should do it before you wanted to tell me something . Now talk."
In her cold dangerous voice stated dayawati. In which not only Rajni but the couple from not far away also gulped hard

"I. said. speak."

"I.... I want make fall you  kisss."
With muddle head Rajni spoke whatever can she speak..

She was happy that she didn't cower away and spoke.
But her happiness is not long lived as now she looked at front and watched dayawati constant gaze upon her.

Why is this monster looking at her like that
Thinking Rajni gave a sheepish smile at dayawati. Her moistened eye's due to fear of college no one bully .

Taking a deep breath dayawati closed her eyes and gave a nice smile at Rajni. And started speaking. Which will Rajni not going to forget her Life time.

I don't know your name.
(I knew it she didn't knew my name, it's Rajni.)

but you are really beautiful and good girl,
(Offcourse I am beautiful and good girl)

It took lots of efforts to do this for any girl
(Yes it took lots of efforts to be a punching bag substitute)

But I am not that type
(Oh yes you are not going to be punching bag)

I know it took lots of courage to come out of closet
(Yes lots of courage,
Wait..... what what closet which closet, I only have a shared cupboard with mrunal)

But I am not interested in this things.
(Which type of thing and what interest. Are you going to bully Avinash. No no no no no you have to let it go dont bully him)

So don't expect me to do anything like that.
( Not expect anything like that if you don't expect peaceful treaty then,my 2000 rs will not get by me what do I do)

Patting rajnis shoulder dayawati got up from her place and left the cafe.

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