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The car ride was really very chaotic in Rajni's mind, as she was thinking of how to told the truth, cause mrunal was happy that Rajni finally found herself her better half. No how to shatter her big happy balloon by pinching it with the pin of truth.

So she made the lie that her boyfriend is hardworking man who is building his career before telling his parents that he wants to marry Rajni.

Rajni's pov

I mean I have to convince both mrunal and Avinash that my boyfriend is not here at this moment as he is working somewhere and we are in a long distance relationship. we have to wait till his arrival, so that I can talk to him face to face.
As an angel I am, I don't want to burden my boyfriend with more problems.

Haaa it was a really very huge task to convince them that someone like a hardworking loyal and conservative person exists . As we ware talking about the task, come on we have food eating task.
There is an idom

"Pehle petpooja fir kaam dooja."

So let's do that first.
I came at the door of the house. with a welcome party, like all birthday type decoration preparations, which had done by my family, I love them , I want to poke a pin on them, there are all pink balloons on ground. My I am in heaven.

"Mrunal did you do it? "
I asked mrunal hugging her.

"No madam I did it."
Said Avinash. as he adjusted his callers.

"Oh thank you Avinash I really like this surprise."
I started to jump.

"Let's go inside"
I was going to put my leg in side the door.

But Kaki stopped me and done my najar utaro program.

After that she done my aarti and then I entered my home. I missed it , my eyes are little hot iam not this much sentimental person but I really missed it. My home.

"Come on let's blast the balloons." I said. I was excited, by shurging my emotional self I thought of using my precious gift. but stopped by mrunal as she don't like that sound of boom boom

"Come on its interesting and you also should enjoy it."
I said blasting a balloon with my hands.

Avinash Also joined me, in a balloon blasting competition. kaka also joined us.
Kaki and mrunal just shaked their head and move on from there to kitchen to arrange plates.and food.

We are enjoyed the food and chatting gossips and night went before we can sleep leaisurly.
So after the long break I am going to attend my callage again . In morning Avinash left for his hostel to bath and change into another clothes and I and mrunal also got ready .

Today's breakfast was made my my bear mrunal which is dosa with chatni. And kaki made full heavy lunch for three of us right. Me , Avinash and mrunal.

This month we got familiar with Avinash he is more like me I felt happy by his presence, mrunal also doesn't feel uncomfortable around him . Kaka and kaki also don't mind him with us.

Today cause of the fear of kaki we reached the callage half hour before the callage could start.
Putting our bags nearby we settled on our favorite place called benches to watch coming and going students. Well we are waiting for Avinash as he said he didn't had breakfast so that's why?

Here he came.


Avinash came to the campus by boys hostel road, which is forbidden area for all the girls.

He watched towards Rajni and Mrunal , And happily waved his hand towards both of them, he started walking towards them, but a girl intturuped him.

Said the girl shyly, somewhat nervously.

"Excuse me. do I know you?"
He was confused.

"No , actually will you accept this rose ."
Said the girl.
He looked at her she is looking down may be scared of something.
Avinash had never seen this girl, he assumed that girl must have been fresher, he looked at the surroundings and found that there are some MBA seniors who are laughing looking at them.

Avinash doesn't like these people, who thought they can do anything cause they had seniority. He sneered in his mind.and took the rose from that girl.

He was going to bench but suddenly pushed by that same rose giving girl.
He had raised his one foot and that Same time the girl pushed him, that's why he lossed his balance and bumped into someone. before he can regain his composure he landed flat on that person.
He had closed his eyes due to impact. that's why he couldn't see that person's face but he felt soft petals like touch to his lips, with breathing on his face and a soft body under him.


He balance himself by putting both hands on either side of that person so that he can rise. He opened his eyes to get another disastereous heart attack by the universe.


The person he had landed on is none other than dayavati the terror.

He can heard all camps people are calm like calm before storm , there is pindrop scilence. Every one is looking at him but no one is not speaking or doing anything.

Avinash got up . he heard voice of mrunal who helped him to rise from Dayavati and then Rajni picked up his bag which was now scattered on ground.

Saying this all three of them fled from there, without helping dayavati.

Dayavati rising from ground looked at her surrounding. Every one looked here and there. She looked straight at the girl , who had pushed Avinash on her her clothes are now covered in soil. Good greese that she is wearing full sleeves top , that's why she is not that hurt anyware.

"You come with me." Commanding this dayavati motion towards the girl to pick up her bag from ground, while walking towards the callage common room.
that is the place where dayavati had beat many students without showing any daya as she is black belt in karate her beating is not so delicate and soft just like her appearance.

That girl was trembling with fear and shedding tears while her head being held down but didn't try to run or call on teacher she knows even if anything happened no one is going to help her opposing this person in front of her.
On first day of callage she had listened the rumour about dayavati the biggest bully of callage.

Pooja was a small town middle class girl who is here just cause of her scholarship, if she faced anymore problems then it won't be good for her.
Her parents don't want her to study ,they are urging her to get married if she got involved in more mess they will get the reason for stopping her education.

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