"Deimos? Like the moon?"

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I woke up slowly, my head pounding as I sat up and looked around. 'Was it a dream..?' I thought as I stood up before awkwardly tripping over Ava's still unconscious body, just barely catching myself.

I guess me tripping woke up Ava because I heard a groan and looked down, one of my feet on her chest. "Oops..." I mumbled as I get off and looked at her. "Sorry Av-" she covered my mouth and pulled me down.

"Shh..." she pointed behind the couch and we saw the orange cosplayers on the ground with Luna and Johnny on his chest sitting together. "Thank god for cats..." Ava muttered before looking at me. "On the count of three we run."

"Are you insane!?" I whisper yelled. "No but there are five attractive men who have broken in." I thought about her logic. "Fine." I grumbled.

"One..." she said as she looked around.

"Two..." we got ready to run.

"Three!" We both started running.

"The humans are escaping!" The orange one shrieked, scaring me and making me trip.

"Y/N!" Ava yelled as she looked back at me before running into the green one's chest. "Oof!" She fall back onto her ass. "Uhm.." she looked up at him before she stood up and started running to the kitchen, grabbing the back of my oversized hoodie and pulling me into the kitchen.

Ava grabbed a pan as the five cosplayers surrounded us, I was still on the floor as the guys trapped us. "S-stay back, or I will h-hecking scream.." Ava stuttered as she held up the pan.

"Please calm down, we mean no harm." The blue one stated, sounding more mature than his buddies were acting.

"I thought we meant all harm.." the green one looked at the mature one strangely.

All of a sudden I heard a door opening and a loud 'Ahah!'. The red one walked out of Ava's room holding her bra, making her turn bright red.

"I've found it! These women are sorceresses and I've found the source of their powers!" he yelled as if he actually did something.

Amused I watched as he handed the mature one a woman's underwear Magazine. I snuck over behind them to see what they were so impressed by. They ''oohed,, and ''Ahhed,, before realizing I was behind them.

"Titties... very impressive." I giggled before the red one's hand was around my throat and I was against the wall. "H-hey!" I choked out, my ears perking up in shock.

"Y/N!" Ava yelled as she threw the pan at the red one's head and started screaming. He let me go, dropping me to the ground as he looked at Ava. She tried running again and ended up with the Cyan one's hand over her mouth as he picked her up.

I watched in surprise before my expression turned to fear as I realized the danger I was in now that Ava had pissed them off. The green one teleported in front of me- 'WAIT- WHAT? WHY IS THIS MOTHER FUCKER TELEPORTING!?' my eyes widened as I shrieked and hit him... serves him right for scaring me.

He looked down at me and smiled, hit teeth equally if not sharper than mine. "Yeah no, I don't like that one bit, not at all!" I turned and started walking the other direction, climbed onto the counter and just sat there. "NO! You demon freak!" He didn't take kindly to that and next thing I know I'm passed out again...

I woke up to someone sitting on me, making struggle and try to bite whoever it was, though this person held my head down.

"Y/N." Ava said, making me realize it was her.

"Get off me! You're too heavy!" I yelled as I pushed her off and sat up. "I almost died.." I mutter before Ava smacked the back of my head. "ACK!"

"I'm not heavy!" She glared at me. "Now pay attention to our... guests..."

"I thought we didn't like them." I tilted my head.

"They're guests because they beat up an officer."

"Oh... wait what!?"

"Yep, now listen."

I looked at the new 'guests' of ours, the cyan one sitting next to me on the couch with Luna in his arms, Luna was purring before she quickly rushed to my waiting embrace.

He looked a bit upset she didn't want to cuddle with him but stayed stotic. "She's not a fan of new people.." I blurted out, not wanting him to feel upset.

He nodded and looked at his companions.. "Hello." the blue one started. "I am Rhys, you have met my... friends Prince Asch, Noi, Leif, and Peirce. We are deimos from our home Deimos"

"Your name is Daemoes?" Ava started'

"No, we are all deimos."

"You all have the same name?"



"Wait-" I cut Ava off. "Deimos? Like the Mars moon?"

"The what?" Leif asked

"The planet Mars. it has a moon named Deimos, It was named after a god of terror. He is one of the sons of Ares and Aphrodite. He is the twin brother of Phobos." I explained.

"We are from a man named terror?" Noi asked.

"No, your species are named after him. Your species is Deimos, Deimos was the god of terror. You're named after the god of terror." I sighed.

"I see..." Rhys said clearly intrigued by the whole thing.

"Anyways..." I stood up. "I'm gonna go be a menace in my room."

Ava yawned. "Yeah, and I gotta get some sleep. you guys can stay here, blankets are in the closet." And with that she walked into her room and I went into mine.

"Clo-set?" Pierce asked

I sighed and walked to the closet and grabbed 5 blanket before setting them on the couch.

"Good night." I nodded and walked away to my room, the door quietly closing behind me as Luna rushed in at the last second

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