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I woke up the next day to Pierce and Noi standing over me looking rather panicked.

"What's up..?" I yawned.

"Princess Ava is dead!" Noi said

"What!?" I sat up and looked at Pierce. "You were supposed to watch her!"

"I-I fell asleep..." he said, looking ashamed.

I rushed to Ava's room to see her laying there looking red. I froze. I could hear her heart beating, it was much faster than normal.

"She's not dead." I looked at them

"She's not?" Leif asked.

"No, I hear her heartbeat." I walked over and touched her forehead wincing a bit at the sudden heat. "Jesus! She's hot!" I looked at them.

"Well we know that" Leif scoffed.

I deadpanned. "I'll start making soup..."

I walked into the kitchen and thought hard. "How the fuck is soup made..." I didn't often eat soup- well do Mr. Noodles count..? Dunno.

"Fucking hell... Rhys!"

He came out. "Yes?"

"Go get Mrs Oats... I don't know what to do..." I sighed.

He nodded and went to get dressed before running off.

I sat on the kitchen island and sighed deeply, my face buried in my hands. I felt alone... I didn't like having this many responsibilities... Ava, the guys, two cats! It was all too much.

I felt hands in my shoulders, making me jump. I looked back to see Pierce. He stared at me as he massaged my shoulders.

"What are you doing..?" I asked as his hands worked my tense shoulders.

"You seem stressed.." He said.

"I'm alright, you don't need to do this." I chuckled.

He said nothing and continued, I slowly relaxed, my nerves calming down.

"I apologize for not watching Ava as you asked... and for what happened with your dads.."

"It's fine... I shouldn't have gotten so upset." I sighed.

"It's alright..." he sighed.

The door opened to reveal Rhys and Mrs oats. I jumped off the counter, my memories of what was happening hitting me like a bus.

"Mrs oats! Mrs oats! Mrs oats!"

"Calm down hunny, you're like a broken record."

I grabbed Noi and started shaking him, something I often did to Ava when I was stressed.

"Uhh why are you-"

"Let me have this!" I whined.

Mrs oats laughed and slowly pulled me away from Noi. "Rhys said Ava was sick, yes?" She smiled

"I don't know how to make soup!" I whined, my ears twitching

"Alright, alright.. how about you go take a bath and I'll take care of Ava with your friends.." she chuckled.

I nodded and walked away, my ears drooped against my head. I started up a hot bath. I put bubbles It before stripping and getting in. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to cold water.

I got out and wrapped a towel around myself and walked out as Mrs Oats was leaving.

"There you are sweetheart, it's been a few hours." She giggled.


"Yeah, about 3 to be exact."

"Jesus Christ.,." I muttered as my body trembled with shivers.

"Go get dressed hun, I'll leave a note of what to do."

I nodded and walked to my room to change

I nodded and walked to my room to change

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(This bc green monster is 🔛🔝)

I walked out and saw Rhys squinting at the note.

"You alright Rhys?"

He looked at me. "Hmm? O-Oh!" He looked away.


Leif looked over. "Oh wow..."

I looked confused.

"That top is.... Fitting." Rhys said.

"Oh, yeah, Molly got it for me a while ago, unfortunately she got a small, I'm a medium."

I thought back to Molly showing me the website she ordered from, it had a was some weird website she used for everything.

"I see.." he mumbled and looked away to the letter again.

"Here let me see." I chuckled and grabbed the note before looking it over.

"Yada, yada, yada... it just says to stay with Ava tonight. I'll do that anddd yeah!"

Rhys nodded and walked away to read.

I stood there for a bit more, noticing Pierce sitting on the couch with Luna and Johnny. I walked over to sit with him before Leif phased infront of me.

"Can I squish them?" He asked, his gaze on my breasts.

"Excuse me!?"


"No you can't squish my tits, get outa here ya perv."

He huffed and phased away

I sat next to Pierce and yawned. Luna moved onto my lap and meowed happily.

Pier gently grabbed my shirt and pulled me so my head was on his shoulder.


"Sleep.." he rubbed my head.

He was rather affectionate today... it was nice... but also strange... I guess his love language is touch... he's gonna have quite the rude awakening when I bite him.

I took a nap and waited for night.

I stayed up with Ava all night, and took care of her the next day. I also stayed that night too... unfortunately falling asleep with her...

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