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I woke up in peirce's arms the next morning, my body sore. I whined and nussled against him, allowing myself to be vulnerable (which was rare because to counter vulnerability I was a pain in the ass)

I felt his huge hand go through my hair, lightly brushing against my ears. I huffed softly and relaxed... before remembering I had work... I shot up and looked around. "FUCK!" I got up and grabbed my clothes, feeling his curious gaze on me.

"What's wrong?"

"Work! Ya know, the place with the girls, who are totally perverts-not the time Y/N!" I got myself off and got dressed before rushing out and taking a quick shower to ease my sore muscles.

I got out and saw Ava waiting for me. "Where were you-"

I ran past "SORRY! LATE, GOTTA GO!" I put on my uniform and grabbed my bag before running out and hurrying to work.

MY INNER DEMONS X YNWhere stories live. Discover now