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I stared at Luna for a good 5 minutes, wondering if I should take her.


"Yes you can bring Luna."

I smiled and put a white harness on her and connected a leash to it "thanks!" I giggled and scooped up Luna.

"Mrreow." Luna meowed happily at me.

"Hello baby!" I kissed her forehead "you're so fucking sweet!"

The boys watched as I had a lil fangirl moment over my cat, I probably looked crazy but whatever.

We left the house and started walking to the mall, I had sunglasses on Ofc and mainly looked down since the sun was a pain in my ass.

Luna had managed to get on pierce's shoulder, I would look but that would probably hurt my eyes.... Damn sun... >:(

We arrived at the mall and I rushed inside, artificial light didn't hurt as bad as natural light... but it still bugged me a lot.

"Ava, I'm gonna go buy some Advil... I'll meet you where?"

"Thrift store." She smiled and walked off with the guys.

Luna hopped off Pierce and followed me happily, we stopped a few times for pictures and people who wanted to fan over Luna. Eventually I made it to the one store that had Advil, we walked inside and Luna hopped on the counter.

"Hey Mateo." I greeted the boy I had known for years.

"Sup Y/N"

"Nothing much." I shrugged and watched as he fed Luna some treats.

"Lemme guess..." he looked at me. "Advil?"

"You know it." I chuckled.

"Course I do." He laughed and got me a bottle of Advil. "You need to keep some on you, I swear you're wasting more money coming here to buy Advil."

That was true... every month I had at least four more bottles of Advil.

"Here." He pulled out a tiny Advil container. "It's a quarter of the price and can be refilled with your stock of Advil." He teased.

I giggled "yep, might paint it, ugly lil container that's for sure."

"You do you Y/N, I ain't gonna tell you what to do."

His supervisor came out. "Mateo are you selling a child drugs- oh... hey, it's you." The woman smiled and spotted Luna.
"It's the baby!" She squealed and picked up luna "hello sweet girl!" She giggled.

"Anyways, it's 5.45$" Mateo looked at me sigh a smile as his supervisor kept babying Luna.

I paid for the Advil and Mateo's supervisor gave me a cup of water in exchange for the ability to take and post pictures of Luna to put on instagram... with me tagged of course.

I waved goodbye and walked out with Luna. We went to the thrift store where Ava was with Lorelai and the guys.

My eyes widened and I immediately turned to walk away

"Y/N!" I heard lorelai's squeaky voice call for me. I pretended not to hear her and went on my phone.

Every time she saw me she would cling to me... she knew I didn't like it yet she never stopped. She was always touching my ears, holding onto me, treating me like a child EVEN THOUGH I'M 4 YEARS OLDER THAN HER!

I heard Noi whisper to Pierce. "Is she gonna pretend she's not there forever."

"Hmm..." Pierce shrugged

I felt someone grab me I looked to see it was lorelai... great...

She dragged me over my by wrist, Luna following me closely. "Join the party Y/N! No need to hide!"

She dragged me over and immediately went to touch my ears. I grabbed her wrist

"Lor.. you know I don't like my ears being touched." I scolded.

"C'mon Y/N! PLEASEEEEEE!! Just one touch! A poke? I'm not gonna stop till you let meeee!~" she said in a sing song voice.

My eye twitched, I was ready to hit her... luckily Mateo ran over "Y/N! You forgot you glasses!" He smiled at me.

"Oh! Thanks! Uhh where are they?" I asked.

"Back at the shop.." he smiled before seeing everyone. "Oh hey... these your friends." He asked.

"Uhhh.... Yeeeahhhh..." I mumbled with a fake smile.

"Well lorelai you heard Y/N's friend... we should head out to get Y/N's glasses." Ava laughed nervously.

"Awww.. alright... see ya's!" Mateo held my hand and dragged me away, Ava and the guys following us.

"That was... lorelai correct?" He asked me.
"Hyper personality, annoying voice and a wannabe kawaii style?" He chuckled.


"Y/N... why is this?" Ava asked.

"Oh! This is Mateo, a close friend of mine."

"Not close enough for me to hear of him... clearly.." Ava mumbled... was she... jealous..?

"Ava... are you jealous?" I asked as Mateo went into the shop to get my glasses.

"No... but it's weird how this random guy just appears and you act like you've known him for years."

"...I have-"

"Lunaaaa!" Mateo's supervisor ran out and scooped her up. "My baby is back-" she noticed that we were clearly having a serious talk. "I'll take Luna inside..." she backed away with Luna.

"And my cat's gone.." I sighed.

"And who is that!?" She asked.

"Mateo's supervisor- listen Ava... there's a lot you don't know that I just don't talk about.." I groaned.

She went quiet for a moment and sighed. "You're right... I guess I should just be glad your "friend" got us away from lorelai."

I nodded. Mateo came out with a bag, inside were snacks for me and a bag of treats for Luna. "Felt I should give you this." He chuckled and his supervisor came back with Luna.

"Y'all chill now?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah... and you don't have to give me stuff Teo..." teo... a nickname I had given him when we met.

"Please.." he chuckled. "It's a gift since you've made new friends." He smiled, a light blush forming on his cheeks.

I sighed. "Thanks." I hugged him, my tail wagging

(yes bats have tails they are just blended into the wings. Since your wings go your hips your tail is let's sayyyy like a bunny's? Idk man 😭)

I took the treats... and my cat before we let and went back to the apartment.

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