Wakey wakey!

115 4 3

I opened my eyes and found myself alone with Luna, I was comfy where I was... until Ava rushed in.

"Y/N! You have company!"

"Huh..?" I got up and walked out before seeing Cassie and Haven in their work uniforms. Cassie in the dress and Haven in a suit.

"Hey hunny..." Cassie smiled as she looked at me. They had a bunch of boba.

"We heard what happened." Haven smiled as she walked closer and hugged me before pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"So we brought you and your roommates some Boba!" Cassie said, trying to cheer everyone up.

"So where are these non-human roommates?" Haven asked.

"You told them!" Ava said, her eyes wide.

"Chill... I trust them.." I sighed

"...whatever.." she sighed before poking her head through the wall and pulling it out moments later.

"Woah.." Cassie said.

"Woah indeed," Haven said, agreeing with her girlfriend.

Eventually, the boys came out and Pierce walked over to me. "Are you alright..?" he pat my head.

I nodded.

"IS THAT SOLDIER BOY!" Cassie squealed.

"Calm down babe." Haven sighed as she held the back of Cassie's shirt.

"OH MY GOD! BUT LOOK! IT'S-" Cassie was cut off by Haven kissing her.

"Shhh, I see him hun." she leaned in and whispered.

"I-oh... Yeah, that makes sense..." Cassie giggled softly.

Rhys looked at them. "You know pierce?"

"Oh we were blabbering on last night about some nerd, and soldier boy, Alex put some weird thoughts in out heads." Cassie grumbled.

"Calm down sweets..." Haven smirked and grabbed Cassie's waist pulling her closer.

"OKAY! I don't think anyone wants to watch you two fuck!" I said, my face turning red.

"I do!" leif said, raising his hand.

"That's because you're a freak." Ava said. "But yeah... plus I don't think you two came to do.. That..."

"Oh yeah!" Cassie blushed. "We came to bring boba! We made boba off how Y/N described y'all..."

"I only mentioned two of them..." I muttered.

"You talk to molly, a lot." Haven chuckled.

"Oh... yeah..." I mumbled.

"Anyways! We gotta go, we're kinda on break right now sooo...." Haven chuckled.

"ALSO! Lottie is moving around the schedule! She's gonna put you on the early leave and uhh yeah! Enjoy the boba! Molly says uhh..." Cassie pulled out her phone and showed a video of molly in 0.5.

"HIIIIII Y/N! I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL AFTERLAST NIGHT! I LOVE YOU!!" Cassie turned off her phone. "I would have said that my voice physically can't reach the pitch of molly's "

"Fair, tell her I say hello and that I love her too..." I yawned.

Haven smiled. "Of course! Anyways! Me and Cassie gotta go. Bye! There's a note of which is for which!"

Cassie kissed my forehead. "That's from momma!" and with that, they left.

"Uhh... okay..." I mumbled, my brain not processing.

"Her mother wanted her to give a a kiss..? Noi mumbled, making me snap out my state of confusion!

"Oh! No! That's from my supervisor, Lottie. She's the oldest and most responsable so we call her momma"

They looked confused.

"Lottie, her boss-"


"Still technically your boss."


"Her boss is her work mom, meaning she's the oldest lady there and takes care of all of them like Y/N, cassie, Haven, and the "spirit" girl on the phone." Ava explained.

"Ohhhh..." noi mumbled. "That makes sense."

I nodded and checked the bobas

"Ava... they got you a... Cookies n' cream with pudding." I handed it to her.

"Hah! They know me so well." she giggled.

(I feel like she would drink that? Idk I've never had boba 💀)

"More like I ask for it like everyday for you..."

"Whatever!" she stabbed the straw in and took a sip.

"Rhys got a earl grey milk tea with the boba pearls...."

I kept going. "Noi got the same thing I get." I said amused.

"Which is..?" he asked.

"Pink lemonade with strawberry bits and strawberry popping boba." I replied as I handed Ava Rhys and Noi's drinks so she could put the straws in.

"Uhhh Asch got Chai milk tea with boba pearls.."

I handed Ava the next. "Isn't Chai kinda like spicy..?"

"Only if you're a pussy" I responded and kept reading. "Leif got Japanese matcha with boba pearls and Peirce got... Assam Black milk tea with boba pearls."

I set the note down as they tried the boba, No I was half way done and was clearly enjoying it, Rhys sipped away and his eyes lit up.

"Oh wow! It's almost as good as ice cream!" he said excitedly.

Asch scoffed "It's alright, I guess."

"Mine's green! Are y'all sure it isn't poisoned?" that seemed to make all of them freeze.

"Yeah... how DO we know they aren't poisoned..." Asch muttered

"First off, most likely Molly made them. And second Leif yours is supposed to be green, it's Matcha... Matcha is green." I sighed.

"You try it first!" he shoved it into my hands and I sighed.

"Fine." I took a sip and swallowed it. "See..?" I muttered.

"Hmm.... Fine." he took it and drank it.

"And here Peirce." I handed him his after Ava stabbed the straw in.

He nodded "Thank you..."

"Mhm!" I smiled before I stabbed the straw into mine and took a sip.

"I think this was a hit." Ava smiled.

I nodded. "Indeed, I'm gonna have to start bringing home boba when they behave." I giggled.

They all drank their boba, Noi finished first of course and the others soon after because apparently, they didn't realize you don't have to drink it in one sitting.

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