what. the. fuck.

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I went to my room as soon as she got back to change into something comfortable(and to hide the snacks).

I went to my room as soon as she got back to change into something comfortable(and to hide the snacks)

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(The outfit^)

After changing I heard Ava scream. I hurried out and saw her running through the wall.

"What in god's name.." I mumbled and ran over before tripping over my pant leg and falling in. I hissed in pain as I hit the floor, gaining everyone's attention.

"Ow..." I mumbled as I held my nose.

"Are you alright lady Y/N?" Rhys asked"

"Mhm.." I stood up and sorted myself out. I looked up and all of them were looking at me in horror.

"SHE'S BLEEDING!" Noi screamed.

"Oh god.." Rhys muttered.

"Huh..? I'm what..?" I looked at Ava for clarification as to what they meant but she was out cold on the floor. I felt something warm on my chest and looked down to see a shit ton of blood.

"OH JESUS!" I said. "Fuck! I didn't even realize I was bleeding!" I held my hand under my chin to catch the blood, fighting back a gag at the metallic taste I now had in my mouth.

I hurried out, having to leave Ava so I could fix myself up. I looked in the mirror and it was horrid. I spit blood into the sink but there was just more and more to spit, I would definitely be sick later. I held some bunched up toilet paper to my nose and waited for what felt like forever.

After it stopped I looked in the sink. "Ew..." I muttered before turning on the tap and washing the crimson liquid away. I walked out and saw Ava with a box of cereal. "Hey Ava."

She looked at me. "Go change." Was all she said before I turned and walked away.

"Yes ma'am." I muttered as I disappeared into my room and changed AGAIN!

" I muttered as I disappeared into my room and changed AGAIN!

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(New, NEW outfit..^)

I walked BACK out and checked the fridge..


"Oh shit..." Ava said, trying to hide her amusement.

I whined "I'm hungry!"

"Eat the cereal Pierce stole." She shrugged.

"No! Your cereal is shit- WAIT WHAT!?" I looked at her, my eyes wide.

"He did what!?"

"Yeah, turns out they have no clue how money works." She shrugged.

"And why couldn't they have stolen me some fruit!?"

Ava stood there. "Seems like Leif just did."

"Hmm?" I turned around and saw a bag of oranges... bet. There was a note on them.

̶D̶̶e̶̶a̶̶r̶ ̶s̶̶u̶̶p̶̶e̶̶r̶ ̶a̶̶n̶̶n̶̶o̶̶y̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ ̶s̶̶p̶̶i̶̶r̶̶i̶̶t̶ ̶t̶̶h̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ Dear Y/N,
Pierce told me you wanted fruit and sent me that weird food place to get you some. A lady said these were fruit so I got them.
Enjoy I guess?
-Leif and Pierce.

"That's nice..? I think..?" I mumbled as I opened the bag of oranges and pulled one out. I peeled the orange and started snacking on it.

"We just gonna ignore that they stole AGAIN?" Ava asked.

"As long as we don't starve I don't have a problem."

We stood there for a few minutes before Ava spoke again.

"Seems pierce likes ya if he sent Leif out to get you something to eat"

I scoffed. "He just caught me searching the fridge last night for fruit... that's all..." I mumbled.


"It is!" I laughed.

"I'm teasing." she giggled and finished her cereal. "I'm guessing you're gonna head out tomorrow to get more fruit.?"

"Yeah probably- actually.. I work Wednesday so I'll get fruit then." I shrugged.

She nodded. "Makes sense..."

We talked a bit more until Ava went to bed. I ate about 4 out of like 16 oranges before putting them in the fridge.

I went to my room and laid with Luna. "I didn't get to see much of that place before having to leave... maybe I should... but that's risky..." I was torn. Knowing Asch was a prince meant it must be a pretty place.

But sneaking in could get me in trouble.... Until I remembered I could just climb up something. I mean I was built to hold onto stuff.. Plus sleeping upside down could doe well..

I stood up and put on a sweater before leaving my room and Luna.

I stood up and put on a sweater before leaving my room and Luna

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(the sweater^)

I walked through the weird portal thing and looked around, dark grey walls with quartz pillars that had gold accents. the room had quite a bit of furniture but due to its huge size it still looked bare. I looked above me and saw some quartz roof supports.

"How rich are they..." I mumbled and started climbing a pillar, I was at the top then I heard Leif and pierce's voice.

"What do you mean you "heard something" Hmm?" Pierce asked.

"I heard scratching," Leif muttered and looked around.

I quickly climbed onto a support beam and hid.

"Huh..?" they looked up, unable to see me due to my small size on this strangely big roof support beam.

I waited for them to leave before I looked up and saw one perfect to hold onto. I sat on it and got a good grip with my bat feet. I tucked my sweater into my sweatpants and sinched them so it wouldn't slide up before going to sleep.

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