Date with Daemos pt2!

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I walked out, still soaked with water. I was miserable. First Ava said Pierce was my boyfriend, then I was dragged out here, AND THEN! Ava passed out and broke my chucking glasses by falling on me, and now I'm soaked.

"Stupid fucking idiots..." I grumbled as I stormed over.

"Yeish... what happened to you?" Leif chuckled.

"YOU IDIOTS!" I yelled. "NOW I'm OUT 60$ WORTH OF GOOD SUNGLASSES, I'M WET, MY PARENTS ARE GONNA HARASS US OVER THIS AND THE SUN IS GIVING ME A HEADACHE!" I was getting worked up, something the sun did to me did not only gave me headaches but also made me more... ya know. Irritable

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure only one of those is our fault." Asch scoffed.


Peirce walked closer and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't! I just wanna go home and sleep! That's all I EVER want to do BUT NO! Now I have 5 idiot guys who don't know how to fend for them fucking selves!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Asch grabbed me.

"Get your fucking hands off me before I pepper spray you."

They had seen how the guy's eyes had looked when he harassed me. And the next day I had explained that was what paper spray did.

He scoffed and let go. All of them were shocked by my outburst, I had never gotten THIS upset at them.

Ava and our dads came out to see me clearly on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Hunny where are your glasses." devon asked.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, covering my ears. My head was pounding right now and I hated it. "I'm going home!" I seethed before walking off.

Ava sighed

"Did we... do that.. To her?" Noi asked.

"No. Well kinda... the sun is bugging her but yes you guys did upset her." Andrew said.

(at home.)

I was lying in bed, my room dark and I was under the blankets, I had taken off most my clothes and was just in my undergarments.

I heard a knock on the door and it opened "Hunny..?" Andrew mumbled. "GO AWAY!" I yelled still suffering from a migraine.

"That's no way to talk to your father..." Devon said

"Shh... you know how she gets.." the door shut again and I could hear muffled voices from outside the door. I didn't bother listening into what they were saying I just closed my eyes and took a nap.

I woke up later and just threw on a hoodie

I woke up later and just threw on a hoodie

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(the hoodie ^)

I walked out and saw them talking to the boys about god knows what. Pierce saw me and stood up before walking over. I ignored him and started looking in the fridge for fruit, I pulled out a pomegranate and started prepping it with Pierce watching silently.

"Oh! Y/N! Are you... okay?" Ava walked over.

"Mmm..." I responded and finished getting the last of the seeds into my bowl.

"Pierce, can you maybe give us some time alone?"

He nodded and walked away

"How are you..?" she asked.

"Miserable, embarrassed, annoyed.. The list could go on."

"Figures.. Anyways... after you left our dads were talking to the guys... I got to listen to it... wanna know what pierce said..?" she smiled and played with my hair

My ears perked up, indicating I was listening.

She chuckled. "He said... he wanted your hand.." she held up she hand and pointed to her ring finger. "In marriage."

I blushed

"Then leif chimed in with all his "if anyone's marrying the queen, it's me!" bullshit... then started talking about "If you want strong offspring may I recommend." and then Peirce said "Me, I am suited for Queen Y/N."... and then. Dad and Pop got upset because Mr. Green and Mr. Dracula started yelling about getting jobs so we came here."

"I see..." I ate my pomegranate..

"Yeah... I don't think they realized you can't really have kids..."

Yeah... of course they didn't. I don't go around talking about my infertility like it's a good thing.

"Yeah... probably not.." I sighed. "I feel really bad for yelling at Peirce..." I mumbled.

"I know Y/N... how about you finish your pomegranate and go to bed."

I nodded and finished up my pomegranate. "Night Ava.." I sighed.

"Good night Y/N."

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