I'm Sick!?

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I woke up feeling like shit. The guys were standing over us as I sat up, my ears drooping until I sneezed, and then they shot right up before drooping again.

Ava got up and looked at me, she looked all right. "You good..?" she asked, half asleep.

"You-" I sneezed again.

"Oh shit... I got you sick didn't I..."

I nodded and sniffled. "Mmm..."

She sighed "Go to your room... I'll get Mrs oats.

I huffed and went to get up before Peirce picked me up.

"EEK!" I held onto him, my ears perked up as I looked at him. "What are you-"

"Shh.." he took my room and laid me down on my bed before tucking me in.

I sighed and fell asleep rather quickly.
I woke up feeling like I was frozen, I looked around but no fans were on, I felt sweaty but cold, so cold to the point started shivering a bit, I felt sore and like I had to throw up.

I got up, stumbling a bit as I walked to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I whimpered as tears formed in my eyes.

"Jesus Christ!" I heard Ava's voice followed by footsteps. And soon my hair was held back. "Are you okay Y/N"

I groaned before throwing up again. Ava rubbed my back gently to comfort me.
"You want something to eat? Maybe some strawberries?"

I gagged at the thought of food, a shiver running through my body.

"Is everything okay-" Rhys froze seeing me in such a state. "I'll go get the elder Mrs. Oats."

Ava nodded and watched as she ran off.

I gagged again, everything was a blur.
"Ughhh..." I felt like dying, nothing felt right at the moment.

"I know Y/N... how are you feeling now?" she asked worriedly

I sighed and leaned against her, my eyes half-lidded.

"I know hunny... let's get you to bed, yeah" She flushed the toilet and helped me clean up a bit before asking Noi to carry me.

I was limp in his arms, too weak to move. He laid me on my bed and Ava sat next to me.

"Jesus. You look terrible.."

"I don't have a strong immune system..." I grumbled.

Mrs. Oats soon came to check on me, she put her hand on my forehead and pulled away.

"Good lord! Hunny you hot..." she used a thermometer. "102F... one degree under calling a doctor..." Mrs oats looked at Ava.

"Oh dang... should we call one just in case?"

"Mmm no..." I whined as I hid my face in my pillows, I felt sore, icky, and overall just like shit. Doctors would say they're making it better but they just poke and move ya. I'd rather die than move right now.

Mrs oats sighed. "Give her medicine every four hours, and try to get some food into her."

Ava nodded.

"I best get going" Mrs oats smiled and patted my head. "Get better soon dear."

I groaned in response.

"Let me walk you out, yeah?"

Mrs oats nodded. "Alright."

The two of them left me to lay there. I heard the door to the apartment shut and Ava came back, this time pierce behind her.

"Heyyyy Y/N..." she chuckled.

I whined as the light from the main room invaded my dark room.

"You want a smoothie?"

"No," I muttered as I hid under my blankets.

"Really..?" she asked, "smoothies are your favourite thought."

"Ava... I just can't right now..." I whined

"I know, but you need to eat something... do you eat or drink a smoothie.."

"Both... I think.." I sighed.

"I'm gonna make one incase you get hungry.. Don't worry if you won't drink it we can buy more fruit. Peirce, stay here"

He nodded and walked over before sitting on the floor next to me. "Are you alright..?" he looked at me.

"Why do you care.." I muttered.

He stayed quiet and just turned to look at me. He was about to speak when Ava came in and set a smoothie on the dresser before smiling at us.

"I'll check on you later," she said before walking out, Luna slipping in while she did.

I lay there, staring at my ceiling as Luna hopped up and laid on my chest.

"Do I need a reason to care" He asked quietly.

"Well, no one cares for no reason. It's fucking stupid."

"Well maybe there's a reason you don't realize he sighed looked at my shivering form. He sighed and stood up before picking me up.

"W-what are you doing!?" I held Luna as I looked around in surprise.

He sat down and put me on his lap. "Drink," he said as he held the smoothie.

"No... I'll throw up again."

He sighed. "Princess Ava said you needed something... So drink."

"I don't wanna." I huffed.

"You need it."


He sighed and put the smoothie down before picking me up and setting me down on my bed. After that he walked away, looking frustrated.

I looked down, did I piss him off? Is he mad at me? The thought alone made me sad. I looked at the smoothie before grabbing it. I didn't want him to be mad at me. I drank the smoothie slowly, careful not to drink too much too fast. I drank about half of it before laying back and setting it on the nightstand.

I pulled Luna close and sighed. "What is wrong with me... I didn't care when Killian was upset... why do I care now.." I mumbled as Luna purred and nuzzled against me.

Killian... my ex, the man I had dated for 2 years in high school before he became a prick and started getting abusive... even now he still tries to contact me like the crazy bitch he is.

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