Creeped out..

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It had been a few days since I was sick and I was much better now, practically back to being healthy.

I was alone at the moment. It was the middle of the night, everyone was in their rooms and Ava was out at our parent's for some reason. Something about a visit but it was too late for her to walk home.

I sat there quietly... something wasn't right. I don't know what it was. I got up and walked out of my room, thinking it was just anxiety from that dream. I don't know what it was but something compelled me to keep my ears up and listen in for everything.

I heard the sound of our lock being picked (Ava had gotten me to replace it)... or at least it the knob was jiggling. The fur on my ears and tail stuck out a bit. "Luna... baby come here," I said as I slowly backed away to the crayon rectangle.

Luna bounded over after hearing the sound of someone clearly punching the door. I picked her up and looked at the door in fear. Someone was breaking in.

I heard a groan. "C'mon you stupid thing! I need to see her!" it was Killian "yes! I got it!" as the door opened I saw him with a crazed expression... and a pistol...

I screamed and ran through the rectangle on the wall. I got through and ran to where I remembered seeing Pierce and Leif come from when I slept here the first time.

"No! NO! NO!!" I said as I ran, I heard his footsteps chasing me. "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU SICK FUCK!" I screamed as I kept running before a gunshot went off and I felt pain spread in my leg. I shrieked in pain as I fell to the floor and looked at him in fear. I backed away, tears in my eyes.

"Heya baby~" he chuckled as he stood in front of me and grabbed my hair before pulling my head back to look at me "What's this place, hmm?" he smirked. "Quiet... bet no one's here, huh?"

"Killian please... let me go..." I trembled.

"Hah! You've always had great humour baby." he chuckled and his grip tightened.

"Killian! Please! I'm not your girlfriend anymore!" I said as I sobbed

I noticed a familiar green daemos look at us before phasing away. I wanted to throw up. He left me just like that.

"C'mon baby~ you know that's not very nice~." He put his gun in its holster and started trailing his hand up my thigh. "I broke out for you baby~ can't you see how much I care?"

I shook with a violent sob and tried to push him away.

"HEY!" He snapped. "Don't fucking push me away Y/N." he warned as he grabbed the waistband of my shorts.

Before he could go anything a bang was heard and Killian fell ontop of me. Leif became visible holding one of Ava's frying pans.

"Asshole." He scoffed. He must have learned that from me. He pulled killian off me and picked me up. "You alright princess?"

I held onto him as I sobbed. I didn't care that he was shirtless OR just knocked out my Ex. I was safe. "Where's Pierce..." I mumbled.

"He told me to handle it, he didn't wanna do anything he would regret."

My adrenaline started wearing off and I became aware of the aching in my leg.

He felt a warm liquid dripping down his leg.

Soon the others came out.

"Y/N! Are you okay!?" Noi hurried over. "You're bleeding!"

"SHE'S BLEEDING!?" Leif said as he looked. "Huh... guess she is."

"What did you think it was, Leif!" Rhys scoffed.

"I dunno! I mean we've seen her pull packs of those straberries out of her pockets! I thought it was those!" Leif yapped

He handed me to Pierce's waiting arms and looked at my wound before healing it.

"Leif! Deal with him." Asch pointed at killian

Pierce carried me away to his room, my body trembling like a chihuahua's .

He entered his room and closed the door behind us. He sat on the bed as I continued clinging to him. He held me on his lap and stayed quiet, waiting for me to speak in my own time.

"Thank you..." I whispered against his neck, my warm tears on his skin.

"I did nothing.." he mumbled.

"You held back.." I sighed.

"Hmm... yes I suppose I did.." he nodded.

I pulled away a bit and looked at him. I felt so safe with him... it was nice... I thought for a second before he stole moved my hair out of my eyes. I blushed a bit and looked away.

He gently grabbed my chin and turned my head to look at him. He stared at me before leaning in and kissing me.

I blushed, frozen with shock before I kissed him back. My arms wrapped around his neck, his hands grabbing my waist.

I had no clue where we would go tonight... but I was ready for whatever he would do

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