Stinky boys

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I woke up to Ava yapping about god knows what. I went out, immediately gagging at the smell.

"JESUS! What died in here!?" I covered my nose with the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Its the boys, apparently they use magic to clean themselves." Ava scoffed.

"Then why'd you idiot sto-" I gagged again. "I cant- i'm going to throw up." I went back to my room.

"Is she okay?" noi asked.

"No, bats rely on their sense of smell. Meaning her's is better and she's currently dying inside." Ava sighed and went to grab Febreeze.

"SHE'S DYING!?" Noi jumped up in shock.

"Not literally." Ava walked back and started spraying the Febreeze everywhere.

"I might as well be with the smell!" I yelled from my room.

"Well if you're dying, I'm going too."

Ava got a call and walked away.

I was laying on my bed writhing in disgust at the stench the guys emitted when my door opened and Peirce walked in. He went to lay next to me before I put my hand up.

"No, not right now... I'll throw up." I gagged.

He looked at me confused. "What's wrong?"

"You smell like that dead rat Johnny had hidden under the bookshelf... but worse... listen, I love you but my god.. You smell really bad right now."

He frowned and nodded before Ava rushed in.

"Y/N!" she burst in. "Get him cleaned, we're going to the fall festival!" she smiled.

I sat up. "Really? We are!?"

She nodded. "Lorelai invited me and I need to make her stupid boyfriend look even more stupid!" her eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Oh?" I tilted my head.

"Get him washed!" she said before running out.

We sat there for a moment before I looked at him.

"Ready for your first bath..?"

He shrugged.

"Alright, c'mon." I got up and started walking to the bathroom, him following closely

We got in there and I started a bath as He stood behind me silently. I turned and stumbled back as I realized how close he was, I tripped over the tub and nearly fell into the tub before Peirce grabbed me by the front of my shirt, catching me before I hit the water. I quickly grabbed his forearm and he pulled me up, holding on until I was stable before letting go.

"Thank you." I smiled.

He nodded and stepped back.

"Alright... now undress and get in."

"In the spell pool?"

"It's called a bath, it's completely harmless, hun." I sat on the edge of the tub, staring at him intently. I had just now realized he had grown stubble... and it kinda suited him... but he looked better without.

He nodded and started undressing. I went on my phone while he undressed and noticed Lorelai had also texted me about the fall festival. "Hmm..." I hummed, realizing I would need an outfit. My favourite part of Halloween was dressing up... (mainly to scare kids) not the point! Unfortunately, my scares would have to wait, this would technically be a date... cute. Our first official date where we aren't just going to the mall or my work, and it's at my favourite place ever!

He got in the tub and stared at me as I blankly stared at my phone, wondering what I should wear.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he leaned closer.

"Hmm? Oh! Yeah, just thinking." I smiled.


"What I'm gonna wear to the fall festival. It's my favourite place EVER! And the only time I will happily accept the sun being my eyes for hours."

He nodded, a bit amused at my words, he had learned how much I hated the sun from my muttering whenever my curtains were open or we were out.

"Anyways, let's clean you up so you can hug me." I chuckled and started helping him wash. It was like taking care of a child... if the child was 29 and way taller than me. After he was washed I took a quick shower while he sat in the bath. I got out and had helped him shave while explaining the "the murder face blade" as Leif had called it. he got dressed and we walked out so Ava could deal with the others. I mean I would help but I'm happily committed to the idiotic muscle man who stole my heart.

We went to my room and laid down for a minute now that he smelt good, after about 10 minutes he let me get up and get dressed

We went to my room and laid down for a minute now that he smelt good, after about 10 minutes he let me get up and get dressed

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(outfit^ :3)

I got dressed and laid back down with him, my makeup can wait till later.

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