We...hangout...? With Medusa.

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We enter her home. 

"I've been expecting you." She informs us.

"Blueberries and cookies for Percy." She points to a bowl.

"Strawberrys and cherries for y/n." She smiles.

"And for Grover some nice enchiladas." She finishes.

I feel three sets of eyes on me.

Okay uh...baby sign language...I sign 'thank you' to her.

"Why haven't you spoken dear?" She comes close to me and lifts me chin.

"You have a beautiful voice." She adds.

"Her mom." Percy says.

"Ugh, Aphrodite." She moans and spins back. "Always jealous. Even of her own daughter!" She laughs.

I look at the ground. "I know of something to bring your voice back." She smirks

"I'll be back. One moment." She walks away.

"Y/n, run." Grover tells me.

"No. My mom told me her story, she's not out to get y/n. She likes y/n..." he nods at me.

"She wants me." He draws a breath in.

I nod slowly. "What? Why?" Grover asks.

"My dad. He did...things...to her. Athena decided she was to blame. She was...jealous. So, snakes for her hair." He sighs.

"We have to kill her." He whispers.

My eyebrows knit themselves close together and I turn to him. "Don't." He tells me.

"It's okay y/n." Grover comforts me. I shake my head and throw my arms up as of to say "what is this kid doing?!" To him.

"I have no idea." He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. 

"I've found ittt!" She says in a sing songy voice. She produces a pinky-purple bottle of...juice maybe? It's got silver flecks that shimmer.

She hands it to me. "There you go darling, show your mother she doesn't control you."

Percy shakes his head a tiny bit.

I place it to my lips.

Mom, I could use some help here.

I tilt and and part my lips, the liquid is about to enter my mouth when a sword goes flying.

"UGH!" Medusa screams and doubles over. "PERCEUS JACKSON! YOU ARE JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER." he freezes in his tracks. "UGH!" she cries out again in pain.

Then, Percy swings at her head, and it falls to the floor.

"RUN!" he shouts, and we begin to sprint.

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now