authors update: like 3 years later

1K 15 18

Hey all you lovelies! It's been roughly 3, quite possibly 4 years since I started writing this book. I started it in my 9th grade programming class, working on this instead of my class work. I'm now graduated, and working a job! Time really does fly.

The point of this update isn't to talk about my life though, it's to talk about all of you. This fanfic has continued to garner support and love, even during a time I forgot wattpad existed. Words cannot describe how much I appreciate each and every one of you, not for the numbers it puts under the title of something I thought of when I was 14, but for the amazingly kind words you've all had to say, and the silent support from you continual readers who may prefer to keep to themselves online. You are all amazing.

I'd like to take your opinions on a couple of things.
1 - would you like me to continue this story?
I know with the first 4 episodes of the actual show being released to prime, a few people may want to see this story continued or finished. I watched them yesterday, and I'm definitely motivated to work on it.
2 - If you do want the story finished, would you like me to rewrite it?
Instead of finishing the work of someone much younger with less writing experience, I would love to go back to the beginning and write a new copy of this story, with more experience under my belt and better grammar! I would also be open to wrapping this story up, then doing a rewrite and possibly more flushed out ending, or even working on the both at the same time. I'm confident I can provide you all with a much higher quality piece than I could 4 years ago, I've even begun working on my own novel.
My point is, I want to provide you all with the best reading experience I can, and would love to rewrite this dusty old story of mine to provide that for you all.

You all mean the world to me, thank you again for all of your lovely continual support.

If you have any questions for me, my dms are always open, and I'll do my best to get back to anyone as soon as I can.

I'll try to post my decision on where to go moving forward here within a week, whether that be finishing this, rewriting, or leaving it be to be remembered as is.

Rewriting the story will not affect what has been written here. I will create a new story for it, separate from this one for anyone who may want to revisit it.

Helluva man (Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now