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Grinch: (Going through the drawer with shirts) Too bright, too dark, plain black, not in the mood for spider cat, Schrödinger should clear this debate, don't fit anymore, it's Tuesday... (Stopped for a moment) Gri may like this one... Rena's size is S, right...? (Resumed the search)

Greg: (Playing on the console) Shirt crisis...

G: (Playing on the computer) Yup. Oh, rare! (Got distracted by a rare item)

Greg: (Paused the game and turned to Grinch) Dude, just pick one, and be done with it...

Grinch: (Still going through the shirt drawer) Choice isn't an illusion, it's an act of one's will.

Greg: (Annoyed) Is that supposed to be Marx?

G: (Still playing, but tries to pay attention) Wasn't he more about efficiency in society?

Greg: Oh, yeah... Aristotle?

Grinch: (Looked back for a second) Too far... (Turned back to drawer)

Greg: (Gave up on the conversation ) Okay... Let's forget which philosopher was more of a pain, a smartass or [Censored...] about life...

Grinch: I just wanna pick a shirt that suits me.

Greg: Technically, they all do...

Grinch: (Giggles) Who's the smartass now?

G: (Reached checkpoint and paused the game) Don't you like them all...? (Turned around) There's no need to look great as if Mom's here.

Greg: (Turned to G with surprised expression) Wow, and I thought YOU are the nice one.

G: (Frowned) I didn't mean anything like that.

Grinch: It's not about Mom or anything at all. I'm just feeling like picking a different shirt... (Stops and takes out a shirt)

Greg: (Flicked) Ah, that's Kierkegaard.(Resumes the game)

G: (Confused) I thought it was about a shirt...

Greg: Kinda. I just couldn't remember the name of the philosopher. Bet that [Censored...] really pissed off a lot of people...

Grinch: (Finished putting on shirt) Maybe...

G: (Looked at Grinch) Ah, isn't the one mom got at the movie premiere...?

Greg: (Surprised) We still have it...?

Grinch: (Smirked) Yup.

Human nature's may be predictable but it's still unique when compared to another one's. Like a picking a different shirt, it changes too.

G, Greg and GrinchWhere stories live. Discover now