The Truth

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I levitate my journal and pen as I write a new entry. Sam is sitting in the dark, reading his book with a flashlight. We were in the Impala waiting for Dean to finish with his hookup. When suddenly, Sam's phone rings.

"Hello?" Sam answers. "Hey, Sam." I hear the response. "Hey, Bobby." Sam smiles. I point to his phone then myself, cluing I wish it to be on speaker. Sam agrees. Placing the phone down on the speaker. "Whatcha doing?" Bobby asks us. "Oh, same old, same old." I sigh, dropping my journal and pen into my lap. I place them to the side as I listen in to the call more. "You buried in that book again?" Bobby asks, Sam grimaces. I continue writing my journal entry, zoning their conversation out.

I only zone in to hear "Well, you boys better pack it up. I think I finally found something." I smile, placing my journal and pen in my bag. Then starting to respash my knives with holy water. "Not it!" I exclaim, dropping all the objects in my control. "I'll get him then." Sam sighs. I smile in victory, as I pack my blades away.

I levaite a blade as Sam and Dean chat. "Let me see your knife." I levitate the blade slowly to Sam, then stop mid-air. "Why?" I ask. "So I can gouge my eyes out." I levaite the blade back to myself, dropping it on the floor. "It was a beautiful, natural act, Sam." Dean explains. "It's a part of you I never wanted to see, Dean." Sam exclaims. Dean chuckles, slapping Sam's leg, "Hey, I appreciate you giving me a little quality time with the Doublemint Twins." Sam and I nod. "Yeah, no problem." Sam states, quietly. "Really? Well, I got to say, I was expecting a weary sigh or an eye roll, something." Dean remarks. I grab my balde from the floor, placing it back with its fellow knives. "No, not at all. You deserve to have a little fun." Sam explains himself. "Well, I am in violent agreement with you there." Dean chuckles.

"What's Bobby got?" Dean changes the subject. "Not much. A crop failure and a cicada swarm outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. Ahh, could be demonic omens-" Sam explains. "Or could just be a bad crop and bug problem." Dean remarks. "Yeah, but it's our only lead." Sam states. "Any freaky deaths?" I question. "Nothing Bobby could find- not yet, anyway." Sam says. "It's weird, man. I mean, the night the devil's gate opened, all these weirdo storm clouds were sighted over how many cities?" Dean starts. "Seventeen." Sam adds. "Seventeen. You'd think it would be "Apocalypse Now," But it's been five days and bupkis." Sam and I look at him confused. "What are the demons waiting for?" Dean explains himself. "Beats me." Sam says, I just shrug. That's when I felt the sting, looking down at my hand to see it bleeding from where I picked up the blade, earlier. "It's driving me crazy...."


I stare at the water before me as it turns a deepened blood red. I clutch the blade in my hand as I close my eyes. "I tell you, if it's gonna be war..." A voice echoes. My mind tries to blind it out, but fails. "I wish it would just start already." 'War? What war? There hasn't been a major war in years.' I think to myself. I drop the blade into the water, my eyes turning blue. "I don't know, man. Be careful what you wish for." Another echo voice calls. I open my eyes, seeing the water before me, once again. "What am I doing?" I whisper to myself.


"Did you say something Phen?" Sam asks. I stare at my hand, confused. Then I look up at Sam. "I accidentally cut my hand, do we have any bandages?" I ask. He looks at the cut for a second, then nods.

I wake up the next morning, my wings curled over my body in a blanket-like formation. "Morning sunshine." Dean smirks. I roll my eyes at him, pushing myself back up. "Morning." I give him a sarcastic smile. He smiles back and tosses me something in a bag for breakfast, before he turns to get back in the car. "Where's Sam?" I question. He shrugs.

I unwrap the bag, finding a sandwich, fanta, and bag of mini starbursts. I smile at the contents before digging into the meal.

Sam gets back in the car holding a coffee out to Dean. Dean graciously takes it. "How much farther?" Sam questions. "About an hour." Dean answers.

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