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I wake up in the Impala panic across my face. "Ruby... Antichrist....Me...WHat....I-" I try to calm myself seeing Dean walking over to the Impala as he notices me awake. "Morning, sunshine." He smiles, I wipe the sweat from my forehead, smiling at his greeting. "Hey, where are we?" I question. "Diner halfway to our next stop." Dean states. I nod, "Want some food?" Dean asks, pointing to the diner. I shake my head, "Not hungry, but thanks Den." I stop myself, realizing what I just said. "Ok, but don't complain to me that you're hungry on the road. I'm gonna get something to eat." He gives me another smile as he leaves for dinner.

'Great job hiding your worry.' a thought comes to me. It's then I realize why some of my thoughts seem so third person. It's because it's not my thoughts, but Arson. 'I try.' I think with a slight smile. I can feel him roll his eyes at me, before my mind returns to my own thoughts.

I curl my wings around myself and "return" to sleep.

When I wake back up we've arrived at a new motel. 'Cicero Pines Motel?' I question looking at the sigh. 'Cicero, Indiana. Dean and "you" worked a case here a while back.' Arson explains. I nod, slightly, grabbing my backpack.

Dean drops Sam and I off to get a room, while he goes off somewhere.

"Can you knock me out?" I question, staring at the drink in my head. "Why?" Sam questions. I shrug, "I don't know, bad day." I remark. "I'm not gonna knock you out, but at the rate you're drinking you may just knock yourself out." I sigh looking at the floor.

"I'll bite, what's wrong Phen?" He asks. "How would you react if you realized you 're not what you thought, but were kind of possessed by it instead?" I ask him. He looks at me confused, "I don't know. Depends on what I thought I was." He answers. I nod, "What if it was supposed to be evil?" I ask. "I'd find a way to get rid of it and protect myself and the ones I love." He states. I nod once again, "Makes sense." "Why? I thought demonic hybrids couldn't be possessed?" Sam questions. I nod, sealing my secret with a lie.


"I WANNA DIE!" I yell as I finish vomiting into the toilet. "You're the one who drank all night." Dean states. I groan, "Ugh! I hate my past self with a burning passion!" "If you're done vomiting I'd get ready. We have a case to solve." Dean states walking in. I sigh, "Fine, I'll shower, change, and then we can go." I state. He nods, walking out as I lock the door behind him.

I throw my hair in two quick braids, before walking out to see what Dean's got. I'm greeted by Sam. "So, Dean, what's this case about?' I ask, tying a blue ribbon at the end of each braid. "You know that one freak accident we read about in the paper?" He asks, I nod. "Turns out there's more that never even made the paper, all in this... Morning Hill gated community. People falling off of ladders and drawing in their Jacuzzis all over the neighborhood." Dean explains. I nod. "Definitely seems like a case." I agree. "Yeah, something's up. Something these nice, big gates can't protect them from."

We spent the rest of the day researching all the previous deaths, looking for a sort of pattern besides the gated community they lived in. Though, we only pulled a few leads.

I woke up bright and early at 6:30am. Showered and changed into a formal outfit. Sam and I were going to pose as an insurance agent to one of the victims' family members.

"So, once again, I'm very sorry to disturb you. We just really want to expedite that life-insurance policy." Sam explains to the woman. "Of course." She nods. "Okay."

She takes us around back, where a ladder leans against the wall. "This is, um, where he fell." She explains. "I see. Now, how exactly did he-" Sam is cut off. "He was just inside changing a light bulb. Must have lost his balance." She comments. "Were you here when this happened?" Sam asks. "No. I was out. Uh, the only one here was our daughter, Dakota." The mother points to a creepy little girl looking out the window at us. Something dark red is smudged on the window and railing. "Okay." Sam looks around, from the daughter to the red smear. I give him a 'Let's go, this seems unsafe.' look and he slightly nods.

AntiChrist Hunting 2 (Supernatural FanficWhere stories live. Discover now