A Fairytale

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Arson's view:

I listen to Sam and Dean arguing as I write the last case in Phenix's journal. "I don't understand, Dean. Why not?" Sam is filled with rage. "Because I said so." Dean retorts. "We got the Colt now!" Sam argues. "Sam..." Dean's voice warns. "We can summon the Crossroads Demon..." Sam is cut off. They keep shouting over each other's words, getting louder each time. That's the only reason I'm in control, not Phenix. He's hiding in his mind, mid flashback because of this.

The Impala slowly continues down the road, Dean surprising me with his calm driving. "We're not summoning anything." Dean remarks. "...pull the gun on her, and force her to let you out of the deal!" Sam begs. "We don't know if that'll work." I state, knowing it doesn't work said way. "Well then we'll just shoot her! If she dies then the deal goes away!' Sam replans. "We don't know if that'll work either, Sam!" Dean continues my thoughts. "All you're pitching me right now is a bunch of "ifs" and "maybes" and that's not good enough, because if we screw with this deal, you die!" Dean rambles. "And if we don't screw with it, you die!" ...As a demonic leader, hell sucks so, "Sam, enough! I am not going to have this conversation." Dean tries to end it. "Why, because you said so?" "YES, BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Dean yells back. "Well you're not Dad!" Sam yells back. Sam and Dean silently stare at each other for a moment.

"No, but I am the oldest." Dean's voice is fierce. He raises his voice, 'And I'm doing what's best. And you're going to let this go, you understand me?" My eyes flame red. Sam and Dean stare at each other angrily. "Who wants a starburst?" I ask in my best Phenix voice, trying to end the argument, because it's a stupid ass fight. Sam turns away and looks at the window, still angry but silent. Dean just continues driving.

"Tell me about the psychotic killer." Dean's voice is calm again. "C'mon, Sam, tell me about the psychotic killer." Dean pleads. Sam grabs a paper from his lap and reads monotonously. "Psychotic killer... rips victims apart with brute-like ferocity." "Okay, any mention of his razor sharp teeth or his four-inch claws? Animal eyes?" Dean starts thinking creatures. "No. But the lunar cycle's right. Look, if it is a werewolf we don't have long, moon's full this Friday and that's the last time it changes for a month." Sam explains. "Two days, no sweat." I smile, knowing it's likely an easy kill. Werewolves have never been hard to kill for demons for millions of centuries.

Phenix's view:

I quickly get dressed, fuzzy on the information about the case, but too anxious to ask as not to clue about Arson.

I stand in the bathroom, fixing my hair over and over again in the mirror. I just can't seem to make it look good. Sam walks in after a few seconds to hurry me up. "Phenix, Dean says we're leaving in five." Sam states. I stare at myself in the mirror again. "You, okay?" Sam questions. "Yeah..." I take a deep breath, "I'm fine." He looks at me worriedly but leaves the room.

My eyes glow a bluish color as I look back into the mirror. My eyes start to water as I look deeper into the glass. "Demonic." I sigh, turning away from the mirror. I quickly grab my stuff and follow Sam and Dean to the Impala.

I lay in the back of the Impala, my wing covering my curled, despaired body. We drive along the highway, keeping the same steady pace. "You're quite quiet back there Wings." Dean comments, his voice a bit worried. "Tired." I fake yawn.

We walk into the hospital, room 127, holding out our fake badges. We close them, returning them to our suit pockets. Kyle, one of the victims, lies in a hospital bed with bandages and scrapes. "I'm Detective Plant, this Detective Page, and Detective Peel." Dean introduces. "We're with the County Sheriff's Department." I finish. "Yeah, uh, I've been expecting you." Kyle seems annoyed. "You have?" Dean questions. "All morning. You are the sketch artists, right?" Kyle inquires. "Uh..." Dean cuts Sam off. "Absolutely." Dean lies. "Yeah." Sam confirms, quieter. "Yeah, that is exactly who my partner is. The things he can do with a pen..." Dean laughs as he points to Sam. Sam glares at him.

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