×♡× Chapter 6 - "The Truth" ×♡×

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 “Come on, lets get you cleaned up”

Luke's body, although still buzzing from the orgasm he just had, stiffened as he looked over at Ashton who had already put his boxers from earlier back on and grabbed some wipes, cleaning up Lukes cum-stained stomach.

“Oh- you don't have to…” Luke didn't get to protest much before Ashton had wiped off all the sticky liquid from him. Ashton raised an eyebrow before chuckling quietly. “What, did you think I would make you scream my name and just leave you afterwards to take care of yourself? I'm not a monster Luke” 

“Oh..” Luke's face flushed as he looked away. Ashton gave Luke a soft kiss on his temple. “You’re cute” 

Luke felt his heart beat faster at that. Thumping so loudly in his chest he swore Ash could hear it. 

“I'm gonna get you a shirt, i'll be gone for just a second, okay?” Luke nodded, giggling when Ashton gave a cringy finger gun towards him before leaving.

Sitting up from the bed, he looked around for a moment before finding a blanket hanging off the side of the couch. Luke bundled himself up in it, patiently waiting for Ashton to come back.

Luke was finally able to look around the room. There was a TV across from the couch, with a glass coffee table in the middle. A loveseat was placed to the side of the table with a large archway that probably entered a dining room or kitchen. Luke grabbed the remote on the coffee table. Turning on the tv and switching channels until he eventually got to the football station. The perfect station to get himself lost in his own thoughts.

He wasn't paying attention to what was happening on the screen per usual. He felt numb. He was zoning out again. Thoughts ran around in his mind, Mostly him worrying of Ashton thought of him. Ashton accepted him so quickly. He seems attracted to him, he clearly likes him, or else they wouldn't have had that mind-blowing sex, but Luke can't help but feel upset about it all.

Over the last few years, Luke had been in this pattern. This cycle. He would meet someone new, they would like him at first, but as soon as he opened up too much, he was hated, abandoned, left to fight for himself. All because he opened up and acted too stupid. Luke knew this would be the same with Ashton. No one could ever truly love him for himself. No one could actually like him for who he was. 

He was shaking, hands trembling as he curled up in himself even more. He was trying not to cry. He didn't want to cry. He couldn’t.

Ashton walked into the room. Wearing a simple black t-shirt with gray sweatpants that hung low on his hips. He also wore a thin silver chain that hung on his neck and had a small stack of clothes in his hands. Luke didnt budge though, Thoughts trying to consume and control his mind that he didnt even notice Ashton walking in.

Fuck. One drink isnt enough. I need a beer or anything right now.

“Are you okay?” Ashton asked, setting the clothes next to him as he sat down next to Luke on the couch, raising an eyebrow at the football playing on the TV. “Didn't take you for a sports guy.” Luke’s thoughts halted as his body snapped back to a normal sitting position, looking at Ashton in surprise. “I'm not- Sorry, I was zoning out” 

“I have noticed you seem to do that alot. You didn't answer my question though, are you okay?” Ashton rubbed at Luke’s shoulder comfortingly. Looking at him with worry and care in his eyes.

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