×♡× Chapter 12 - "Michael" ×♡×

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(Luke POV)

An alarm rang and woke me up. i groaned loudly as it interrupted my comforting sleep. I felt Ashton move from beside me, moving to turn off the alarm. It was way too early. I groaned lowly and lifted myself against the headboard of Ashtons bed, looking up at Ashton getting dressed, I couldn't see him much, since it was still dark outside.

"Ash, what the hell.." I looked next to me, seeing the time of 5:30 AM. I rubbed my eyes and turned on a lamp next to the alarm clock. I could see Ashton getting dressed and ready quickly. "It's 5 am.."

Ashton paused in his movements for a moment, looking at me in the bed before slipping on his shirt, Taking out the plug from his phone as he spoke. "I'm sorry , I probably should've told you I've got work today. Ill drive you home, don't worry."

My head was still hazy from waking up so early. "Why so early?" I mumbled, grabbing my phone that was next to his, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"High demand job, I get 16 days for a break a year, Which one of them was last night. I'm sorry, my prince, Ill get you lunch or something when I'm not on my shift later." He kissed me softly before walking out the door, leaving the door open behind him.

I sighed. I mean I knew he was very needed at his job but I suppose I didn't really take time to think about it. At least yesterday. I got myself out of bed and walked over to a mirror in the room, groaning at my now wrinkled top. Fuck, I forgot to take off my makeup last night, now it's all smudged and looks like I haven't slept in weeks.

I grabbed some paper towels to try and get rid of the makeup as much as I could, wetting it with water. It was still a little dark but it would have to do before I could get to my apartment. I looked around the dimmed room. I didn't want to go back to my apartment, it was so nice being here with Ashton. I could seriously imagine living here.

I walked down stairs into the kitchen, watching Ashton cook some eggs and bacon, I didn't get to think much before a piece of toast with butter spread on it was handed to me. I watched as he put all the food on two plates and set them down on the kitchen island, sitting down and immediately eating.

"So quick." I sat down, not eating as quickly as him, and chewing a piece of bacon. Ashton shot his head up at my food. "Shit, I didn't even ask if you could eat some of that stuff, I'm sorry."

I laughed at his slight panicking. "It's okay, I can eat this, don't worry. You didn't even have to make me food, y'know.." I reassured, stabbing my fork into my eggs.

"I could never leave you starving. Better get used to it, beautiful" He joked. Continuing to eat his breakfast until he was done, and stands up to wash his now empty plate. I smiled softly. Once I was done with my food, he took it and quickly washed it. My mouth gaped slightly at how caring he was. He did it with no thought or hesitation either.

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