ⒸⒽⒶⓅⓉⒺⓇ 12: I'll make sure you'll be my last...

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Few days later..

Nezuko's pov:

Me and Senjuro were waiting for Mui to show up for lunch. Usually Mui comes faster than us but today we both arrived faster. Soon we saw Yui and Haru passing by. "Hey Yui! Do you know where Mui is?" I asked. "I had seen him with Tanjiro-Senpai before, but I don't know about now though" said Yui. "Strange, he didn't show up to us today" said Senjuro. "Did you two had a fight with Mui? Like He didn't talk much yesterday and he seemed more somber than usual" said Yui. We both gasped. "Never in our seven lives we'll ever quarrel with Mui" said Senjuro, concerned. "I am concerned about him too" I added.

Soon Akira came up to us. "Guys, Have you all seen Mui?" He asked us. "We were asking the same thing to Yui" I said. "Strange because today morning I saw his face was really low" said Akira. "Guys I think we need to check on him" said Haru. We all agreed.

We went to the hallway to find Mui. Still no trace. Finally we saw him in the classroom. Yui was right, he looked somber. We went to him to talk to him. "Mui, you didn't show up to lunch today.." I said, softly. "Oh, sorry Nezuko and Senjuro, I was having lunch with Tanjiro-Senpai to discuss about the drama we're playing" he said. "Well thats fine, but why do you look somber?" Asked Senjuro. "Oh- that....." whispered Mui, scratching the back of his head.

"Mui, we agreed that whatever things will be bugging us, we'll inform each other..." said Yui. Mui looked down on his lap, knowing not what to say next.
After a while, he opened up.
"Can I say something...?" He said, whispering to us. "Go ahead" said Yui.

"Is it only me, or is Kaigaku-Senpai scary to you all...?" Asked Mui. "Uh not sure" said Haru.

"Why? What did he do?" Asked Yui, impatient.
"Nothing.." said Mui, looking down on his lap.
He then lifted his face with a sweet smile and said "No need to worry guys, it's just that I just don't get a good vibe in him, thats the only problem".

Everyone were relieved to hear that, but Me, Senjuro and Yui still had doubts with us, because we know whenever Mui is faking his smile or when he is actually smiling.

I'm really doubtful about whatever he said about Kaigaku-Senpai, specially since Zenitsu-Kun told me about what a type of person Kaigaku-Senpai is.

"Are you sure you're fine, Mui..?" Asked Akira. "Yesss" said Mui energetically.

Soon Miss Kanae and Miss Mitsuri entered in our class for a short announcement.
"Is Muichiro Tokito here?" Said Miss Mitsuri. Mui raised his hand. "Please go to the Music room, Miss Nakime is calling you. Music club members and Drama Club members kindly go to the music room" said Miss Mitsuri. "See you all later" said Mui and then left with Akira.

"Other club members are here?" Asked Miss Kanae. We all hummed. "Okay so as you all know that our school fest is near, we need to make banners for it. All the other clubs except cooking, knitting, music, drama clubs are requested to assist the Art club to paint the banners" said Miss Kanae. "The Incharge for the banners are Uzui-Sensei and Sabito-Sensei" added Miss Kanae.

"I didnt sign up for it" said Uzui-Sensei coming to the classroom. "Well you have to" said Miss Mitsuri. "Thats Un-Flamboyant" said Uzui-Sensei and then pouted. We all giggled.

"Oh and another announcement, there will be no classes this afternoon as for the practice" said Miss Kanae.

You should've seen Senjuro and Haru's face! Enlighted than ever!

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