-Agreeing To The Match-

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A/N: ^Meme above made by ME^ 

Sophie's POV: 

As I sat alone in my room, my mind was filled with conflicting thoughts about doing the match with Fitz. Part of me was drawn to the idea, the curious excitement of discovering fate's decision. But another part of me, a nagging voice that whispered doubts and uncertainties, held me back.

This is one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make. There's a nagging feeling in my heart that tells me I shouldn't go through with it. But at the same time, I want a happy ever after with Fitz. I'm struggling to understand why I'm making such a big deal out of this. Shouldn't being with Fitz be a dream come true? Most girls would probably jump at the chance without thinking twice. But I need to think about this.

I can't simply ignore the growing doubt within myself.

The match system was supposed to find her a soulmate, a person who was meant to be her perfect match. It was a highly regulated process, with the matchmakers studying every aspect of each individual before pairing them together. Fitz had seemed like a good choice, and on paper, he ticked off all the boxes. Intelligent, kind, and from a respectable family. Yet, there was a nagging voice in my mind that whispered, "Is this really what you want?"

I've said that to myself more than a thousand times. It feels like it's trying to tell me something, but then the part of me that wants this pushes the doubt out of the way. What is it trying to tell me? I don't know. It's confusing me because it's been fighting back and forth, never sure which one to follow through with.

I closed my eyes, trying to envision my future with Fitz. Would we be happy? Would we grow together, supporting each other's dreams and aspirations? Or would we end up resenting each other, trapped in a relationship that made us feel suffocated? None of these questions will be answered if I don't try, right?

My twelve-year-old self would have been excited about the idea of being with Fitz. However, now that I know more about him, I can't help but worry. I'm most concerned about his anger and how he always seems to take it out on me, even when it's not my fault. When I finally told him about my unmatchable status, it was a disaster. That's why I told Keefe first—I knew he wouldn't get angry with me. Instead, he would be comforting and supportive as I worked through this challenge in my life.

Fitz expressed his dislike for being in a Bad Match, but I also feel a constant pressure to be perfect whenever we are in public together. When we decided to give our relationship, another try, the pressure of the Match resurfaced quickly.

As I delved into my thoughts, I realized that the answers I sought were not easy. Being with Fitz would involve risks and challenges, but it could also bring happiness and love. I couldn't let my fear hold her back.

Opening my eyes, I looked at the picture of me and Fitz. I knew what I had to do. I would take a leap of faith and give the match a try. I would embrace the unknown, confident in my ability to handle whatever came my way. And if things didn't work out, I would learn and grow from the experience.

In that moment, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. Decision made, I felt a spark of excitement and anticipation. The path ahead was uncertain, but I was ready to face it head-on. Fitz deserved my full effort, and I owed it to myself to explore the possibilities.

With a determined smile, I stood up from my bed, ready to take the first steps on a new journey. The doubts still lingered, but I wouldn't let them consume me. I would navigate through the challenges and discover my own truth. And who knows, perhaps this leap of faith would lead me to a love I had never even imagined.

Fitz, can you come over for a sec? I want to tell you about my decision," I nervously transmit to him. "Sure, Soph. Do you want to meet at Calla's tree?" he asks. "Sure. See you in a sec," I tell him happily.

I walk outside to the tree and wait for Fitz to show up. Eventually I spotted him walking around from the front down to me. "Hey Sophie. You've come to a decision." eyes brimmed with hope, his hand reaching out to grasp hers.

"After much thought, Fitz," she began, her voice quivering, "I've decided to agree to the match." A wide smile stretched across Fitz's face, his joy radiating like a beacon. It filled me with a mixture of happiness and trepidation. This was a leap into the unknown, a path I had never ventured down before. But deep in my heart, I knew I couldn't let fear hold me back. If I never tried, I would never know.

"I can't express how happy I am, Sophie," Fitz whispered, his excitement barely contained. "I've dreamt of the day we could truly be together; I'm no longer torn by your unmatchable status. Glad to have that in the past now."

I then knew this was a new chapter of our lives. 

Biana's POV:

I stared out the window of my bedroom, my mind consumed with doubts and uncertainty. I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right with Fitz and Sophie being together. Deep in my heart, I believed that Sophie should be with Keefe instead. The thought of them being apart pained me, but I couldn't ignore the persistent voice inside my head.

Ever since Fitz came home looking elated, I knew that Sophie had given him good news. I couldn't shake the sinking feeling that Sophie belonged with Keefe, not Fitz. Something inside me told me that this was going to end very badly, and their eligibility test was going to go wrong. Hanging out with Dex and Marella, I brought up my nagging feeling about Fitz and Sophie being together.

"Do you guys ever get the feeling that Sophie should be with someone else?" I hesitated, doubting myself for a moment. "Maybe... Keefe?"

Both Dex and Marella exchanged glances, a mix of surprise and agreement evident in their eyes. It seemed they felt the same inner unrest as I did. Marella nodded, her voice laced with uncertainty. "It's just... something about the way Keefe looks at her, the way he's always there for her, it's undeniable."

Dex chimed in, adding to Marella's thoughts. "Keefe understands Sophie in a way that no one else does. He knows the depths of her heart, the pain she's been through. They're connected on a level Fitz could never reach." Relief washed over me. I wasn't alone in this feeling. But now that we had acknowledged it, the question remained, what were we going to do about it? Now that they've obviously accepted that Match test together it seems like nothing can be done now.

Part of me felt guilty for doubting Fitz and Sophie, but I couldn't help but trust my instincts. I was convinced that Sophie belonged with Keefe, and if she went through with the Match, it would only lead to heartbreak.

"But what can we do?" I whispered; my voice filled with uncertainty. "Should we interfere? Or should we just let things play out?"

Dex reached out and took my hand, offering me a reassuring smile. "Biana, it's not our place to meddle in other people's choices. We can only hope that destiny will guide them to where they truly belong." Marella wrapped an arm around my shoulder, her touch comforting. "All we can do is be there for Sophie and offer support, no matter what happens. She'll need us now more than ever."

As the conversation ended, we sat in the quiet courtyard, content in the knowledge that we had shared our doubts and concerns. Though uncertainty still lingered, we knew that the path Sophie chose would ultimately be hers alone.

Little did we know that fate had a way of twisting and turning in unexpected ways. The journey ahead would test friendships, faith, and the strength of true love itself. Our doubts may have clouded our hearts, but only time would reveal the answers we sought. And until then, we would stand united, ready to face whatever came our way.


*UGH......just breathe Fitzphie will be over soon, and you can say HELLO TO Sokeefe!!*

"Bow, Chicka bow-wow. That's what my baby says. Mow-mow-mow. And my heart starts pumping. Chicka-Chicka choo wap. Never gonna stop. Gitchee, Gitchee goo means that I love you." (Gitchee, Gitchee Goo---Phineas & Ferb)

Keep Being Cool


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