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A few billion years ago

I awaken, feeling an intense heat emanating from my body. Waves of life surge through me, causing a steamy sensation that gradually cools down before dissipating into the vast expanse. Initially, there is a profound sense of solitude, with no planets in sight. Absolutely nothing exists here except for me. Well, there are asteroids colliding with each other, but I don't pay much attention to it as it seems to be a common occurrence in this realm.

For a considerable period, I found myself as the solitary star in a desolate solar system. However, my perception changed when I observed the emergence of several planets. This discovery filled me with immense enthusiasm, and I resolved to conceal my initial behavior from them (truth be told, I had envisioned myself as rather intimidating prior to the planets' formation).

I encountered Jupiter initially prior to the rest. He possessed a serene demeanor, setting him apart from the majority. His complexion was a blend of brown, white, and tan, with a subtle touch of red at the base. "So, you are our star?" inquired Jupiter. It was remarkable how intelligent he was, considering he had recently come into existence as a planet. "Absolutely! That's me!" I exclaimed joyfully, accompanied by a broad smile.

Jupiter appeared unsure of how to respond to my lively character, resulting in a hesitant smile. "It is delightful to make your acquaintance. I am called Jupiter, reminiscent of a deity from ancient Rome," he stated, his tone becoming more assertive. I blinked in confusion, unfamiliar with the concept of a Roman deity. However, I chose not to inquire further.

Numerous additional planets were also created, and I observed the process of the new Planet Theia and Earth establishing a connection. It brings me joy that they became companions, as Earth was not particularly sociable due to feeling ashamed of its appearance. It was evident that Earth struggled with being compared to others who did not bear the same scorched appearance (stop I feel bad).

On my one billionth birthday, something went terribly awry. I was peacefully observing their slow orbit around me, when I suddenly realized that Theia was moving at an unexpectedly rapid pace. I overheard Theia mentioning something about a hug, causing my eyes to widen and my breathing to become slightly unsteady. I helplessly witnessed the collision between Theia and Earth, as debris from both planets scattered into the vastness of space. "Earth! Theia!" I exclaimed in anguish.

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