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Apologies for the delay in posting! I required some time off to recharge and contemplate on this chapter, as it will delve into the subject of Planet X (I had momentarily forgotten its designated name). Furthermore, I am uncertain about the gender of Planet X, hence I will refer to it as "it" for the time being. Additionally, please note that there might be a delay in posting on Saturday due to a funeral I must attend (as mentioned in chapter 4).

The book "Atlas Within Me" is currently being worked on and consists of a total of 12 chapters. Once I complete it, I might consider sharing it on Wattpad for all of you to enjoy the remaining parts.

Moving forward, it is important to note that this chapter might include depictions of violence, albeit in an emotional manner. Additionally, there is a warning regarding the appearance of Planet X within the asteroid belt, situated further back where Pluto resides. Lastly, another cautionary note pertains to the gradual emergence of humans or Earthlings later on in the chapter.

Hope you enjoy my lovies (if that's a word 💀)

Also thanks for 200 reads


Present Time..

A few billion years later. . .





First person POV (Sun POV) :





It was somewhat overwhelming a while back, but honestly, I have become accustomed to it. I anticipated this would occur, but time passed by too swiftly for both me and my planets. Now, they have completely vanished. They disappeared in an era that I cannot even perceive. However, I was aware that some individuals would expect me to move on from it. It will be challenging, but I knew it would assist me in finding some solace in death. The notion of peace sounded appealing during such a time.

I had a strong desire to join them, but I was aware that eventually, after a billion years, I would perish and transform into a White Dwarf Star. Moreover, I was determined not to convey any suicidal tendencies or let my intrusive thoughts prevail. Therefore, I made the choice to divert my attention towards the past and allow those cherished memories to supplant the present.




A few billion years ago

Third Person POV:






A celestial object encompassed the asteroid belt, resembling a massive body that either floated around it or resided within it. Its deep blue hue was accentuated by patches of even darker shades adorning its surface. Evidently, it was a Moon. However, the perplexing question remained: what caused its deviation from its designated orbit and placement within the asteroid belt?

The straightforward response was.. Previously, it was one of Jupiter's Moons that was banished some time ago prior to the formation of the remaining moons. Its designation was.. Planet X. This moon gained fame solely among the two largest Gas Giants and maybe Uranus, who possesses limited knowledge about the incident surrounding the exile.

Planet X observed each planet from a distance, displaying a perplexed or resentful demeanor. Perhaps it resided somewhere in between these emotions. It experienced a multitude of sentiments regarding the planet it revolved around.

In the meantime, on Earth, a species known as Humans began to emerge on its surface. Resembling monkeys, they initially moved on all fours. However, over time, humans gradually improved their understanding of how to adapt and thrive in their new environment.


Apologies for the brevity of this message! I am currently occupied with school assignments and projects. If time permits, I will endeavor to create the next chapter on Wednesday, which I hope you will find enjoyable. Wishing you a delightful Valentine's Day!

"You Think Ryan Reynolds Go This Far On A Superior Acting Method?"

-Wade Wilton (Deadpool)

-615 words

The Earth's Bad Ending: The Sunning EastWhere stories live. Discover now