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I am inclined to continue writing about my love for you all and solarballs. I plan to conclude at chapter 12, which may involve Sun's demise as he transforms into a white dwarf star. Please understand my decision.

Sorry for not writing 💀

TW: Sun death, past, universe (narrator you know from the short ADs in the videos? This a theory that the narrator is the universe) being stupid and it's quite short.

Sun POV:
I presented as predominantly whitish with a touch of light blue emanating from me. I must acknowledge, I was evolving into a white dwarf swiftly. It's disheartening. Pluto and Delphois X likely already understand this, but I would rather they not observe my fading as a star in general. I don't want them to witness me in this condition. Maybe they would view me as a little dove (for funerals and as a joke 💀).

After the light surrounding me faded away and my sight disappeared, I abruptly regained consciousness. I found myself transparent and back to my usual size. I observed everyone around me, including the planets I had destroyed. Although I felt the urge to burst into tears, I resisted and instead offered a smile. "Would anyone like to hear a joke?"
Narrator POV (???? POV):
NGC 6302, one of my Nebulas, expressed, "This has been a melancholic year, sir." Being a vast Nebula, she always provided me with the necessary information to fulfill my requirements. "Undoubtedly so, wouldn't you agree?" I murmured, my resonant voice reverberating softly.

The Eagle Nebula, one of my other Nebulas, appeared to be highly focused on a particular subject. "It turns out that the Sun recently transformed into another aging star," he stated, accompanied by a subtle roll of his eyes, despite his apparent unease. "Let me guess, it became a supernova," remarked Bernard's Loop, another Nebula, with a slight smirk. "Well, it's not quite like that, Bernard. You know it," The Eagle hissed. "Perhaps he ended up like you," sneered Bernard's Loop, narrowing his eyes. "You infuriate me!" The Eagle grumbled, casting a disapproving gaze at the Nebula.

"Let's all calm down, shall we?" I reassured them with my usual confident smile. They both turned towards me. "Apologies, Mr. Universe," Bernard's Loop said, although it was clear he didn't mean it as he was quite mischievous. "Alright, I apologize," The Eagle muttered as he averted his gaze from me. I smiled at that and then turned my attention back to NGC 6302, giving her a nod. "Please continue. You wouldn't want to leave me in suspense, would you?" I hummed. NGC 6302 chuckled and nodded, glancing back at the other Nebulas. "I believe some planets managed to survive," she added. I raised an eyebrow and let out a small hum. "That was your intention, wasn't it?" I inquired, daringly looking at her with narrowed eyes. "I thought you might know, sir," she replied with a laugh. I joined in her laughter.

The other Nebulas exchanged glances before directing their attention towards me and my Nebula, causing us to burst into laughter. "They've completely lost it," remarked the Cat's Eye Nebula. Her expression seemed uncomfortable and perturbed as she spoke. "I couldn't agree more," chimed in the Eagle Nebula, rolling his eyes in a nonchalant manner. "It's as if they don't possess any brains at all," sneered Bernard's Loop. The Eagle Nebula glanced at him and let out a sigh. "You do realize that we are merely gaseous remnants of supernovas, right? We lack brains, just like Mr. Universe." He growled, clearly irritated by the others' joke. "I meant it as a jest, come on. You really need to relax and become a white dwarf star," chuckled Bernard's Loop, although he glared at the larger Nebula who lacked a self-centered atmosphere.

"White dwarf star? Take that back now you idiot! (In Nebula language, telling a Nebula they are a white dwarf star means just chill out or fuck you.)" The Eagle's eyes widened and he barked out an angry retort to the smaller Nebula, Bernard's Loop rolling his eyes. "Make me, you bitch!" He barked back. The smaller Nebula raised his eyebrows, and the Eagle's eyebrow twitched angrily. The two Nebula's began to argue.

Virgo A, a serene and massive galaxy, was also invited but arrived late. Observing the two nebulae in conflict, he intervened gently, "Please cease your quarrel or face consequences, both of you." The Eagle and Bernard's Loop glanced at the vast galaxy. "Understood," Bernard's Loop responded. The Eagle, displaying annoyance, still heeded the galaxy's words. "So, what did I miss?" Virgo A inquired as he approached me. "NGC 6302, could you please fill him in?" I turned to her, asking with a slightly playful tone (not really.. He's just manipulative).

The chapter concludes here. I trust you found it enjoyable. I apologize if you are displeased. I have marked the book as finished as I was lacking inspiration for some time, but now I have new ideas. Feel free to share your thoughts with me anytime ❤❤.

-MuiTea573 out!

-845 words

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