Living with hyung's hyungs

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Author's POV

Everyone was waiting for taehyung after he told them that he wants to discuss something with them about y/n. They was confused and worried that what he wants to discuss about y/n let at this night. They thought it must be important so they asked taehyung.

"What do you want to discuss with us Tae?" Namjoon asked raising his eyebrows in confusion and worries.

"Actually hyung I want all of you to stay here for few days." Tae told them and confusion appeared on their faces.

"But why you want us to stay here for few days?" Jin asked.

" Because I told you before that y/n is pure introvert right?" He said everyone noded and he continued." As you can see  she never  likes to interact with anyone but today was she was giggling with you guys. You guys are the first persons whom she interacted with. If you'll stay here for a while I'm sure at least she can talk without stuttering." He exclaimed.

" But what about y/n is she ok with that?" Hobi asked.

" Don't worry she won't bothered." Taehyung exclaimed as he saw worries on hobi's face.

" But taehyung you said before that she is pure introvert right? So how will she react after knowing that we're going to live with her." jimin said.

"I  know but I'm doing this for her. You know what... she never had a single friend in her teenage life..." He cut off by jin who spoke shokingly.

" She doesn't have a single friend?"

"Yeah she doesn't wants to be friends with anyone i even don't know why." He said in disappointment.

" Why she doesn't have any friends it's her age to have friends and enjoy her teenage life going out with them, talking, laughing, playing with them and all. " Yoongi said shoked.

" Maybe because of her shyness or she doesn't want to." Tae said in his deep voice making everyone shoked.

" Taehyung uhh...can you tell me more about y/n  like how she reacts with people or about her nature. "Jin said making everyone crashed their eyebrows in confusion.

"Uhh... Humm... Actually she never talks with people whenever she surrounded by people she started sweating or trembling. As you can see when you guys trying to talk with her how she was reacting. She doesn't even make normal eye contact. After our parents death she never go in school and started studying online ." He exclaimed.

" Umm... Taehyung a... actually I'm not sure but I think she has some problems I'm not sure but... " Jin said looking into his eyes nervously.

" But... what hyung." He said trying to read his face. Jin let out a sigh before speaking.

"I think she has a social phobia." He said making everyone shoked.

" And what is social phobia." Jungkook asked curiously.

" Social phobia is also called social anxiety disorder. The fear that people with social anxiety disorder have in social situations is so intense that they feel it is beyond their control. For some people, this fear may get in the way of going to work, attending school, or doing everyday things. Other people may be able to accomplish these activities but experience a great deal of fear or anxiety when they do. People with social anxiety disorder may worry about engaging in social situations for weeks before they happen. Something, they end up avoiding places or events that cause distress or generate feelings of embarrassment."

" But how can you be so sure that she has social anxiety disorder." Hobi asked.

" Cuz I observed her and I'm a experienced psychologist and psychiatrist. So I can tell her by her reactions. First when jimin approached his hand didn't you noticed she hide behind Tae and she was also stuttering every single sentence when we was talking with her she didn't give a even make a single eye contact with us  and the more important thing is that taehyung said whenever she surrounded by people she starts sweating or trembling. These are the symptoms of social anxiety disorder. But still we need a checkup. So that we can confirm that. " Jin exclaimed. Taehyung was just froze on the spot when he heard  about his baby sister whom he cherished very much has to suffer this. Tears started to threatening him.

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