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Author's POV

Sun had already rised and a beautiful young woman was still sleeping and someone was staring at her or admiring her beauty. For him she wasn't looking less than snow white and her big messy hair bun making him more and more lost in her beauty. She was really looking goddess of beauty. When a warm wind played with her hair and tickling her face she opened her eyes and looked her side only to see a warm smiling jungkook. He was warmthly smiling at her and said.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" He asked her concernly love and care. But she didn't give any response and turned her face to other side making angrey pout making jungkook chuckle.

"Looks like someone is mad at me. Mmm." He said playfully but she didn't respond him and he chuckled hard to see her angry.

"I was thinking about to eat icecream with someone but seems like that person is not in a good mood. Large family pack of choco chips with dark chocolate flavor and Royal potatoes chips." As he said and she heard last sentence she immediately turned her face with widen eyes to look at him who is taping his index finger on his head acting like he was thinking something serious.

"Two packs with one cone icecream of butterscotch." She demand him and again making her angry pout jungkook looked at her and chuckled.

"As you say yohighness." He said and bowd like Royal servant she hide her face in bed sheet and started giggling and he, he was still in that position and y/n was just teasing him.

" Aghh y/n may knees and back is hurting now stop teasing me." He whined like a baby and y/n laugh out.

"I didn't tell you to bow its nothing to do with me you did it by yourself but like I'ma good person so you can stand up now." She said and jungkook immediately traight and straches his back.

"You know what y/n you are being naughty day by day I should tell this to hyung now I can't keep your all secrets." He teased her making her pout wider.

" You can't you are my Bestfriend." She said crashing her eyebrows.

" Yes I can." He said and she was now pissed off.

" If you tell hyung then you know what I'll tell him that last week you steal hobi hyung's sprites. And he beat my hyung because he thought he steal it and you were watching that scene like interesting movie while hiding behind the sofa." She said in one breath and his jaw dropped and eyes widened.

"Ho... How you know about this?" He asked all dumbfounded. And she smiled mischievously.

" Hehe couse I was there and I also record you when you're stealing." She said with a smirk plastered on her face and that's it he got jungshook.


Y/n's POV

"Huggh I'm feeling very hungry" I said and rubbed my stomach even when I just eat my food and it's been only one and half hours. I went in kitchen sneakly cuz I don't want someone to see me." They shouldn't know that I'm a foody or else they will teased me like hyung. Now a days his really teasing me too much what happened to my hyung. I know my hyung is very childish but he never teased me these much before." I blabbered to myself and saw something maybe I shouldn't see?!!

Mr Jeon is stealing hobi hyung's sprite now his dead for sure, best of luck Mr jeon. I thought to myself. Well we all know how possessive and obsessed is hobi hyung towards his sprite. WAIT I should record this ofcorse I'll not blackmail him I just I'll just keep it as a secret memory, Mr jeon is really very childish. Oh shit he is coming here i should hide somewhere. Oh no hobi hyung coming downstairs walking towards kitchen. Now best of luck Mr jeon ill pray for you with my whole heart. I said to myself in my head but what a shock Mr jeon drank a whole sprite in one go. Sorry Mr jeon I wish I could help you maybe my love is too weak if it's comes to hobi hyung and his love sprite. Sorry for betraying to you but I can't do anything all I can do is just pray for you.

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