Chapter 1: Brave New World

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The cool evening air brushed past her face as she stood at the edge of the rooftop. The light of the shattered moon played off the texture of her black armor making it almost shimmer. Looking down at the scene playing out below her Zeffre gave a sardonic smirk.

Three well-dressed men were walking in and out of a store, loading cases into a waiting car. What drew her attention was the two other men holding pistols, watching the road with eyes covered in red sunglasses. 'Nothing suspicious about that at all.'

With a casual step off the edge, Zeffre fell down the side of the building, the wind rushing past her blue hair. Grinning, she closed her eyes, savoring the familiar sensation of freefall. Suddenly, the thrusters on her boost pack roared to life. The fire cast an orange glow over the tan brick of the building momentarily, slowing her down enough to land gently on the sidewalk below.

Opening her eyes again she looked across the street at the men, all of whom were now looking at her. 'Two with pistols, three with... red swords? Interesting choice.' Readjusting her helmet under her arm she gave the men a smile.

"Good evening, gentlemen," Zeffre called out, her voice echoing across the empty street. "How's your night going?"

The apparent leader, a tall bulky man sporting red sunglasses at night, faced her with an amused expression. "Oh, we're just out shopping for some quality Dust," he replied with a playful edge, gesturing to the store behind him, its interior a mess of toppled shelves and shattered cases.

Zeffre chuckled. "Looks like a bit more than shopping happened in there," observing the older man inside, his head buried in his hands.

The leader's smile grew, but his eyes remained hidden. "Enthusiastic shoppers. You know how it is", he said stroking his chin. His posture was relaxed. "We've already sorted it out with the old man," he said, his tone now carrying a sharper edge.

The leader's words were still hanging in the air when Zeffre noticed the two gunmen subtly positioning themselves to flank their boss, creating a tactical triangle with her at one apex.

"Hey kid", the man said, voice serious. "Just walk away. Go play superhero somewhere else." Zeffre noticed the gunmen's fingers hovering over the triggers.

"Sorry, I can't do that. I've a terrible habit of getting involved in other people's business", she said with a laugh. "Honestly it is going to get me killed one of these days."

At his imperceptible nod, the first shot rang out, slicing through the night. Zeffre reacted instantly. Harnessing her gravity powers, she executed a rapid dash, crossing the street to the left gunman in a blur. Her right hook connected with his jaw with a crack. The man dropped.

Before the second gunman could adjust his aim, Zeffre turned to face him, extending her hand. A concentrated wave of gravity, trailing a cascade of starlight, erupted from her palm. It struck him with unrelenting force, sending him crashing into a lamppost with a clang that echoed down the street.

Meanwhile, the leader, seizing the moment of her engagement, lunged at her with his sword. Zeffre brought up her helmet and caught the blade with it. With her other hand she grabbed the man's wrist and twisted. The blade fell from his hand. With a swift kick she sent the man stumbling back and caught the falling blade. In one fluid motion, she flipped the sword, catching the hilt. Dashing forward she used the blunt end to strike the leader in the back of the head. He stumbled forward, thrown off balance, and collapsed onto the pavement.

The remaining two men, now visibly shaken, exchanged a glance of uncertainty. Zeffre faced them, an air of calm control about her. For one, she feigned a strike to his left shoulder. As he instinctively moved to block she spun gracefully, the movement a dance of combat. The blunt end of the sword slammed into the back of his skull, sending him into a crumpled heap beside his leader.

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