Chapter 7: Making Friends

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Standing in front of the full body mirror Zeffre looked over her new uniform.

She was wearing a dark brown jacket lined with gold. Underneath the jacket was a tan vest and a white shirt with a red ribbon tied around the collar. The rest of the uniform included a red plaid skirt and thigh high stockings.

'Not bad...,' she thought. She had even gone through the trouble of styling her dark blue hair into something more professional, putting it into a long ponytail. Turning to the dresser she grabbed the final piece to her ensemble.

It was a dark blue scarf. Running her fingers over the garment Zeffre remembered how Ms. Nancy had given it to her before she left for Beacon. As she looked towards one edge she smiled. On one end there was an elaborate sigil sewn into the scarf with golden thread. It consisted of a series of concentric circles with varying sizes, connected to straight lines and arcs. Several small circles, some filled others empty, laid along the pathways of the circles. Inside of the largest circle was a prominent stylized triangle. When Ms. Nancy had asked her for a symbol Zeffre never thought she would do something like this.

She ran her finger over the symbol of the Sanctum Universum for a moment. 'I really need to find some way to thank her.'

Looking back to the mirror Zeffre wrapped the scarf around her neck, the dark navy blue complementing her hair, and the symbol prominently displayed at the end of the scarf as it draped behind her.

Taking one last look in the mirror Zeffre snapped her fingers and gave herself a thumbs up before leaving, prepared for her first day at Beacon.

As she walked by her friend's room Zeffre moved to knock before she noticed the sound of moving furniture. Hand frozen an inch from the door she considered if she really wanted to help them move furniture this early in the morning. Thinking about the possibility for all of half a second Zeffre decided that she would just meet them during the first class of the day instead.


As Zeffre waited for class to start she drew in a spare sketchbook she had. Currently she was writing down notes and ideas on how she could concentrate peroxide to 90%. As she had worked it out that she could probably do this using vacuum distillation Zeffre had a single thought. 'Doing this could actually kill me...'

Another part of her, however, thought it would be really neat to have high concentration peroxide to play around with for rocketry.

Zeffre shrugged, deciding to put the terrible idea on the backburner for now as she instead looked around the lecture hall.

The hall itself was tiered, with each tier having desk that all focused down towards the lecture stage at the front of the hall that housed the professor's desk and blackboards. Currently the room was mostly full, students talking amongst themselves as Professor Port drew Grimm illustrations on the blackboards.

Glancing at the clock Zeffre saw that class started in two minutes.

Ruby, Yang, Blake, and the other girl still weren't here yet.

'Are they skipping the first day? That sounds like something I'd do,' Zeffre thought, lightly impressed at their initiative.

As Professor Port turned around eight students stormed in out of breath.

Resting her head against her arm Zeffre gave them a lazy wave before gesturing to the four empty seats next to her.

"Hell of an entrance," she said, smirking as they collapsed into their seats. "Did you all sprint here or something?"

"Yes," Ruby said next to her, a bit winded.

Zeffre let out a laugh before the Professor gave a cough, letting her know that class had started.

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