Chapter 14: Recovery

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Standing up from the bar, drink in hand, Qrow staggered his way over to the man he had heard whispers about.

Leaning against the wooden wall of the bar was a man, about the same height as Qrow, wearing a pitch-black armor. The man's helmet featured a reflective visor. His arms were crossed over his chest in a relaxed position.

Qrow stumbled, spilling a little of his drink onto the wooden floor of the bar before he rested against a wooden pillar across from the man. "Heeey buddy... Why are you standing here all alone?" Qrow slurred, taking a gulp from his glass, watching the man from the corner of his eye.

The man tilted his head upwards. "Huh... You might be the first person brave enough to try talking to me since I got here..." the man said, voice deep and heavily distorted, before he let out a low chuckle. "Then again, that might be my fault, huh? The suit isn't exactly inviting."

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Suits fancy lookin," Qrow said, raising a glass to the man before squinting at him. "Actually... I can't say I've ever seen a suit that looks quite like that before. Where'd you get it anyway?"

"This? I guess you could say it's something I've always had..."

Qrow let out an exaggerated hum, giving the man a drunken grin before taking another sip from his drink. "Ya know, most people come to bars to drink, right?"

The man shrugged. "I'm new here. In my experience it is useful to get a sense of people by watching them." Qrow got the sense the man was staring directly at him. "You can learn a lot about a person by watching what they do."

"Not to say bartenders appreciate loiterers, but they're usually too scared to do anything beyond giving me glares," the man finished, giving another chuckle as he gestured his head over towards the bartender, who was doing a poor job of subtly watching the two men.

"Huh... I've always thought of bars as a place to get drunk," Qrow slurred, wobbling on his feet a little before leaning against his pillar again.

The man looked at Qrow. "Sure you do..."

Qrow forced himself to not change his body language at the comment.

"So... see anything interesting?"

The man tilted his head slightly. "Huh?"

"You said you're new here; see anything interesting about the people?" Qrow asked.

"Not really. People here are still exactly the same as ever," the man said, before giving a chuckle. "It's a little comforting actually."

Qrow nodded his head before raising his glass. "I hear that," he said before downing the rest of his drink. "So... What brings you to Vale? Comin to see the Vytal Festival?"

"Hm... I might stay for that, but no. I'm looking for," he let out another chuckle, "let's call her a friend. Caught some information she might be around here, and I'm curious to see what she's been up to."

"She got a name? Maybe I've heard of her."

The helmet stared intently at him. "The Servant."

Qrow didn't need to fake his confused expression. "Nope, sorry. Weird name."

"It's more of a title really," the man shrugged, "she might be using her name. It's Zeffre."

Qrow shook his head. "Nah, sorry. Still doesn't ring any bells."

The man silently stared at Qrow for a few moments. "I'm sure it doesn't," he said, voice thick with sarcasm.

"Well, it has been an... interesting talk Qrow Branwen," the man said, giving Qrow a pat on the shoulder as he walked past him.

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