Chapter 2: Stir Fry Showdown

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Dim late afternoon light filtered through the curtains, gently rousing Zeffre from her slumber. She lay sprawled on a mattress in the living room, clad in navy-blue pajamas, amidst the disarray of her small apartment – dirty dishes stacked around her makeshift bed, a stubborn stain marring the varnished wood floor. It was a silent testament to the chaotic, solitary life she had led in Vale since her arrival two weeks ago.

With a groan, Zeffre heaved herself up. Her movements were slow, heavy with sleep. She dragged herself towards the bathroom, feeling the room's cool air clash with the snug warmth of her bed. Pushing open the bedroom door, she spared a glance at her collection. The room was bare except for a large tarp spread on the floor, protecting the varnish from her pile of loot. There lay her haul from those overdressed gangsters – a chaotic mix of red swords, various guns, haphazardly acquired explosives, some holographic phone things called Scrolls, and the pièce de résistance: something resembling a Tommy gun. She chuckled to herself, recalling her initial reaction, 'Seriously? A Tommy gun? I get the idea of convergent evolution, but this is just ridiculous.'

Reaching the sink, she turned on the faucet, the sound of rushing water filling the small space. Cupping her hands under the stream, she gathered the cold water and splashed it onto her face. The shock of the chill helped wake her up, with tiny rivulets cascading down her cheeks. Leaning heavily against the countertop, she raised her gaze to meet her reflection. Half-lidded, blue eyes, framed by strands of disheveled hair, stared back at her.

With a tired smile to her own reflection, she ambled back to the living room, stepping over a rifle. Her stomach grumbled a reminder to her that she was, in fact, hungry. Groaning, she went to check her mini fridge, a brand-new addition to her sparse apartment, to see what was left. Some bottles of soda, ice cream, cheese... 'I could just order some food', she thought to herself as she stared at the barren fridge. 'I could also just go back to sleep... that'd be nice.' The thought lingered as she contemplated if it would be worth it to eat the ice cream and suffer the consequences later. Her musing was cut short by a knock at the door.

Scowling, Zeffre kicked the mini-fridge door shut and strode to answer the door. "Who the hell is..." Her irritation faded, replaced by a warm smile as she opened the door. "Oh! Good morning, Ms. Nancy," she greeted, her mood lifting at the sight of her landlady.

Standing before her was Ms. Nancy, her fawn ears twitching slightly in amusement at Zeffre's surprised greeting. Her graying hair, once a deep brown, was pulled back into a neat bun, revealing the gentle lines of experience on her face. Her eyes, a soft brown that seemed to hold depths of kindness, crinkled at the corners as she smiled.

Ms. Nancy's attire was simple yet neat, a floral-patterned dress paired with sensible shoes, and around her neck hung a modest gold locket. She was holding a foil-covered plate.

"Good afternoon, dear. You're just waking up, aren't you?" Ms. Nancy's voice carried a light, teasing note.

"What? No, I just... lost track of time, is all," Zeffre replied, shifting to obscure the mess behind her.

Ms. Nancy extended the plate. "I thought you might like a home-cooked meal. Made some mashed potatoes and meatloaf."

Accepting the plate gratefully, Zeffre's spirits lifted. "Thank you, ma'am. That sounds amazing right now."

"How's the apartment? It was spotless when you moved in."

Zeffre face scrunched up as she tried to remember, 'Do I even own a fork?'

"It's perfect, really. Got myself a TV and this mattress, so I'm all set."

Ms. Nancy nodded her head, "That's good to hear. Did you get a box spring and a frame for your bed?"

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