Chapter 15: A Bloody Meeting

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Collapsing into her seat besides Weiss, Zeffre struggled to focus.

All around her she heard conversations stop as she continued to look at her tray. When did she get a tray?

Zeffre giggled to herself at the thought.

"Zeffre are... are you bleeding?" someone asked. She wasn't sure who.

Reaching for her spoon Zeffre took a bite from her chocolate pudding. Chocolate pudding was good.


Could be swee—


Jolting in her seat, Zeffre glanced over at Weiss, rubbing her forehead. "Why are you yelling? I'm trying to eat puddin..."

Weiss's eyes were wide. "Zeffre, you're bleeding! What happened?", she asked. She sounded concerned about something.

Glancing down at her right shoulder she could still see the hole in her uniform.

Oh. That.

"I got shot." She said, going back to her pudding.

She had lost a lot of blood.

"I can see that! How did you get shot? Why aren't you at the infirmary!?" Someone shouted. It might've been Weiss. Or Blake.

Not Ren though. Ren didn't shout.

Zeffre giggled a little at the thought of Ren shouting.

"I was training with myself, and I shot me... That bitch," Zeffre muttered. "S'fine... I got a pad from the restroom and some tape."

"Ow! That hurts..."

Who said that?

Holding her spoon in her mouth Zeffre stood up and walked over to where the complaint came from. Someone grabbed her shoulder, but she shrugged them off.

Cardin was pulling on some Faunus girl's bunny ears. Why would he be doing that?

Zeffre had lost a lot of blood at this point.

Shambling up to a laughing Team CRDL, spoon still in her mouth, Zeffre decided the best way to get answers was to ask.

"Hey... Card, what's... uh... what's goin on?"

Cardin turned to look at her, his smug expression quickly changing to shock as he looked at her. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Got shot..."

Why had she come over here again? Why did she have a spoon?

Looking past Cardin Zeffre saw that he had a pudding cup.

Falling forwards, Zeffre leaned heavily against Cardin, some of her blood soaking into his blazer. "Do you want your pudding?" she asked. Pudding was good. She found herself falling sideways.

A pair of arms grabbed her. Oh. Cardin had grabbed her. "Hi Cardin."

Said boy's eyes were wide.

"She needs to go to the infirmary." Someone behind her shouted.

Cardin looked up at the voice then looked down at Zeffre before giving a nod. "R—Right."

Zeffre rolled her eyes. Why was everyone being so dramatic?


'Where's the infirmary?'

Sprinting down the vacant hallways, girl in his arms, Cardin couldn't remember where the infirmary was! He knew they mentioned it during his orientation... Damnit! This was not the time!

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